chapter 27

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I wake up In a strange alleyway luca sit up against the wall next to Mei crawl towards him but get stopped by a figure walking and standing infront of me

"Tk tk Tk Tk tk"the person does with their teeth and tongue

Uhm I'm trying to see if luca is ok will you move your fat ass I look at luca who's eyes are fluttering open

The person grabs my hair and pushes me up against the wall slamming me tnto it choking me I can't breathe I claw at the person and scratch their face while trying to lose their grip on me I feel l the black darkness seep in and I start to see black spots before I get dropped landing on my hands and knees begging for breath my lungs burning

"I'm disappointed"the voice says and I look up to try and see who it is it's not dad who is this I don't even think these people are from dad's gang are they?

"Fucking asshole"I mumble under my breath

I feel his fist connecting to my face then his leg kicking me in he side sending me flying towards luca I look at him and see his eyes trying to open but he's not succeeding

"Luca,luca wake up are you ok?"I ask and I feel the person grab my hair again throwing me on my back and his foot connecting with my ribs repeatedly one after the other with every kick his speed and force increases and it hurts even more I turn on my stomach to catch my breath crawling away to the wall but he kicks me in the stomach again what the hell dude can you stop

I can take the pain I just can't do much yet because the tranquil and Lucas injections are Still wearing off

Shit I feel so weak

I see luca awake and aware now hopefully he can do something he gets up and shoves the person into the wall and with that his hoodie comes off


Oh no

Luca bangs him into the wall and throws him a cross the alleyway I get up and catch my breath but nope I fall back on the ground my body feels shattered

Luca walks toe and tries to help me up while I try not to scream shit this hurts

"Are you ok princess can you get up?"he asks and I shake my head

"No I think he broke something and hold my hand on my ribs and leg as the pain shoots through them

I try again but the pain is even worse this time and I yelp out in pain

"Ah fuck"I scream and lift up my shirt my left side of my body is brushed badly and blue I need to get to a doctor

"I'll carry you"luca says and tries to pick me up

"Nha ah ah there will be none of that"a familiar voice comes form beside us it's dad

"Peanut come to me tie him up"he signals for his ment to tie luca up but I won't have it

"Wait stop please dad please stop don't hurt luca please"I beg tears rolling down my face

"Too late penut"he says and I look back at luca who is on his knees with one of my dad's men tying him up and another pointing a gun at his head

"Luca,no stop!"I yell as I see them punch him I cant take seeing that I run to the man pushing the pain aside and pushing them away from luca

"Lea get your ass here now or I kill him right here right now"my father commands and I do so looking back at luca to see if he's ok

I stand infront of my dad more like next to him and he turns to me

He lifts his hand and I feel the sharp sting of his hand connecting with my already bruised face

Shit that hurt and he knows it

"So lea you hang out with the enemy did you tell him anything about me"he asks and I shake my head

"You know I should kill you for even knowing his name"he says and I look up at him

One of his men grabs my arm and my dad walks towards me holding a huge knife

"I always stick to my word"he says and plunges the knife into my stomach twisting it every time

"Noooo!"I hear luca yelling as he fights against all the other guys hitting them into the walls with his shoulders I'm afraid he won't reach me in time

I feel it piercing my flesh

"You know I was never your father but I treated you like a daughter your real father lives in London or some other place"my blood dripping everywhere

I feel my legs weekening and my knees buckling as I fall down on to them and he plunges the knife into my shoulder as I scream at the pain

"My eyes heavy and my body numb of pain my blood alover on my face and covering the floor I hear gunshots that become more and more distant every time I see a faint blur of luca bad hear his sweet voice

"I-i love you luca"I choke out as the blood runs from my mouth

He is crying laying his head down on me every few seconds
"I love you too princess" he says and his voice fades more

He loves me luca actually loves me and I love him I don't think I'll ever see him again I wish I do

I wish I would see the love of my life just once more please just once more than it all went black but I see a light in the distance fields and flowers surrounding me rivers everywhere and nothing but clear blue sky

This is peaceful I feel the grass between my fingers and see the beauty of every aspect of the world so beautiful

Thank you luca thank you for healing my diamond heart

Lucas pov

She lays here in my arms so lifeless so beautiful I just want her back I would do anything to take back what I did I never wanted to lose her the first person I actually ever loved and she's gone forever

"Please baby come back to me"I beg as tears roll down my cheeks and I hug her into my lap

I need her I want her back who will annoy the shit out of me but love me in ways no one else has who will wear sweatpants and my hoodies and still looks so gorgeous

Who will I bake with and smear food on their face just so I can kiss them

No one I want no one but her

Please please please come back

"Come back to me baby please"I say on my knees so afraid of losing her

"Hold on hold on just please don't leave me not like this"I say and cry I've never cried in my entire life never

I can't I haven't said anything to her I have to apologize I need to tell her I wanted her to be mine forever

To love and to start a family with away from all this with our own house kids pets

I will never have that I just lost my life
Please I'll make it right just please "come back" I say and I feel someone place a hand on my shoulder and I look up to see Diego

"I know you love her but it's time you let go,it's over she's not coming back"he says and I nod

"She's still alive"I say she is not dead the rain drops dripping from my nose coloured red with my blood

My baby is gone and I'll never get her back
I gave in and my heart feels like it's about to stop

I'm sorry guys that this had to happen to lea but it doesn't end here

There will be more updates tomorrow love you all so much😘😭😭😥😥😥😢😢

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