chapter 10

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We drive for a while with only silent nothing then I decide enough silent treatment he has to talk to me at some point

"Luca why do you come to my motel room give me some convincing take me with you then give me complete silent treatment I don't get it am I a pet or a game to you"i say as I look him dead in the eyes

"Like you would care since I picked you up you have been nothing but arguing with me argument after argument and all I do is care for you but you don't seem to care for me " Luca says looking down like a child who had just been yelled at for doing something bad

"You don't think I care for you if I didn't I would not  be trying to get away from you so you could actually not get killed for fuck sakes" I yell at him and his eyes turn dark and emotionless you know I will never understand him at all

"I care enough to know that I am strong enough to look after myself to be independent to keep you safe and myself even if it hurts me to stay away"I add and look out the window

"You don't care you just think you are doing the right thing by doing someone who saved your life the favour of trying to save theirs"he says calmer and more controlled

"Let me out of the car now!"I yell at him and threaten to open the door and jump out by grabbing the handle

"What the fuck do you think your doing you can't just jump out and run away like every other time"he says while he slowly pulls over to the side

"Watch me"I say as I pull the handle but the door doesn't open

"Crap"I mumble more to myself but I think Luca heard it

"You can't keep me locked up forever luca"i say as I turn around with me trying to get the door open I didn't even realized that he leaned over to my side

I gasp as we're so close our noses almost touch the can be lucky I didn't bolt me head around and hit his head with mine

Looking into his eyes I can't read this expression I can't figure him out right now I have never seen this expression on him before its different

"Not forever just until your life isn't in danger anymore"he says and places his warm hand on my cheek all I can do is close my eyes and lean onto it I put my hand over his

"Dont do that"he groans and my eyes shoot open looking at him confused he looks at me then at my lips and I realize I'm biting lip I didn't think it would make him mad is he mad or is he ok what's happening

"Do what"I challenge him knowing what I did but I still don't know what I did wrong I don't get it

"Bite your lips its driving me fucking crazy"he says and pulls back into his seat

"Well sorry I didn't know you had a problem with that"I say and sit like a moody tean folding my arms and falling back into my seat

"I don't its just something about it that it-it just don't do it for now please"he pleads and I smile I can never stay mad why I don't know it's just the way it is

I smile at him and he starts the car again
A few hours feeling like minutes go by and we arrive at the mansion

This last part of the ride I enjoyed so much we laughed Luca tried singing to the music but for someone like him he really has a voice but doesn't know a lot of songs

"Luca I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything"I say as we approach the stairs

"Its ok princess I get why you did it"he says and before I could walk up the stairs to my room he picks me up bridal style and Carries me up the stairs he is pretty strong if I say so myself and hot the perfect combination

His blue emerald eyes look at me like I'm the most fragile and precious thing on earth and my hands go through his wet hair raindrops still dripping from the front of his forehead

"Luca what are you doing"I say as I laugh hysterically
"What don't like being treated like a princess"he says and smirks at me

"What's so funny?" he says while he chuckles and occasionally looks up to see where the next step is

"Nothing just your efforts for being a gentleman you suck at it"i say and Burst out laughing again

"Oh really?"he says and his eyes change dark and lustful

Jeez sometimes he is hotter than ever this is one of those times he is hot in the usual to but when his body is covered in water and his shirt sticks to it like glue oh my SOUL!!!

He opens my door with his foot and walks over to my bed throwing me onto the bed I take a pillow and hit him right in the face Luca has become my best friend now and he is also more than that what is it considered as though

I like Luca a lot I don't really know if he knows or if he feels the same way because well I don't want to ask him and then the feeling isn't mutual and I'll have to try and avoid him while I'm  here

"Thats unfair I wasn't ready yet"he says and grabs a pillow

Aaaaah! I yell and the pillow fight continues

Then we heard a knock on the door but didn't think anything of it then it was again

"I'll get it you lazy cow"i say to Luca and hit him once more before getting up off of the bed

I open the door to find Diego standing there with fear in his eyes
"What's wrong Diego"I ask and look at Luca to signal him that something is up

"Hey brother what's bothering you"Luca says as he approaches the door
"Luca can I talk to you outside please?"he asks and points down the hallway
"Sure I'll be right back princess wait here please"he says and kisses my forehead while leaving the room

"Sure I'll just sit here alone in my room or just clean up the mess Luca and I made" I scurry around the room and pick up a few items they fell of the nightstand and feel something under the bed I pull it but it won't come out then I turn on my keychain flashlight and look under my bed

"Aaaaaaaaaah!"I screamed as I see someone under my bed

Then I feel a tight hand gripping me from behind
"What's wrong princess he says while turning me around nod looking me into my eyes

"There-there a person under bed"i manage to get out then this eyes shoot open wide he  pulls me out of the room and orders a few met to inspect my room

Sir its bad it's...

Keep reading to find out who it is who do you think it is comment  and rmbr to vote love y'all so much

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