chapter 23

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Said you'd never why'd you ever lie to me baby

I sneak back into the house and see Diego in the living room dressed in a pink tutu with clown makeup on and he's shirtless?

"What's going on here"I say and my mom comes to stand next to me handing me a cup of coffee

I hate that Diego looks so innocent he's just like the rest a piece of double pig crap but he's also just as good looking damn

Focus I stare at Diego for a second and evaluate the weird situation playing out infront of my eyes

I start laughing hysterically OMS this is so funny

"Do a dance"I tell and he glares at me he has Diamonds painted over his eyes this is hilarious

"Or juggle something"I tell throwing teddy bears at him he goes to sit on the couch and looks at me in suspicion

A few minutes later we get up and Diego gets dressed again and washes his face

"Better you looked like a clown princess,ballerina"I say and he gives me the shut the fuck up now look

Lol he's mad yea if he only knew well I'm about to do crazy shit when I get to Lucas discusting house

We dive of and he looks at me from time to time but not a single word

As I get out of the door I see luca at the doorway ugh of course

"Hey princess"he says and walks down the steps with his hands in his pockets

"Tie her up now"he says and I feel Diego gripping my arms firmly putting them behind my back tieing something that feels like rope around my wrists

"What the fuck luca what are you doing"I say as I try to wiggle away from Diego but he soon injects me with something I can move but my muscles are weak I can't put pressure on anything or move fast at all I feel like a sloth

I get carried down to a dark room next to the wash room I get sat or more like thrown into a chair and luca is there arguing with Diego with something

"Now lea who the fuck are you really"he asks and I raise a brow

"Well if we're gonna do this the hard way then"he says and Diego hands him a gun

"Now I ask again who the fuck are you?"he says almost yelling it

"What the hell are you talking about"I ask and look at him straight in the eyes

"You know I was at the cafe watching you"he says and looks at me with a blank stare

Shit he knows wait is he going to kill me he hasn't even got to my father yet unless he did

"I saw you with that piece of shit talking is that what this is I trust you and you betray me"he hisses

"Speak for yourself you only used me to get to him your the piece of shit I'll never tell you where he is"I say and pushes the gun against my head

"Used you I didn't even know you knew him and now that I do maby I should use you"he says and looks at me almost disappointed

Wait he didn't use me could it be a coincidence what the fuck is going on hell he's not been lying but that doesn't change the fact that he is trying to kill my father

"I won't ever tell you shit go fuck yourself"I spit and he looks at me angry

"So lea what is he to you your sugar daddy,your friend,your dealer"I scoff at his words and look to the side

"Look at me!"he yells and I do so

"Why?"he asks almost sad
"What do you mean he doesn't even know I know you and you just found out I know him I didn't even know you knew each other"I say and he turns his head

"Don't fucking lie to me"he yells and I feel of somewhat a sad emotion I don't like it I feel the warm tear drop onto my lap

"Doesn't help you cry princess your dying either way"he says and I look at him with a now emotionless face I don't care to die it doesn't scare me dad though me that death isn't an excuse to eat put on people unless it's needed and being a rodent isn't my desire

"You stay the fuck away from him"I tell and he looks at me amused

"What is he to you"he says leaning closer to the chair

"What's he to you"I spit back
"Well lea he is like a pest I want to get rid of him that's my desire,yes?

"You know I was actually stupid enough to fall for your phyco ass"I spit and he looks at me a bit of sad in his eyes but it disappears quickly

"Oh yea well guess I'm just the one that's wrong here but you forgot I did care I fell in fucking love with you and I was to stupid to realise you were fucking with me and rating me out to that piece
Of..."I could not take this anymore so I interrupt him before he could finish

"He's my father!"I yell over his voice and lower my head to cry into my lap

He was about to bust a cap in her damn keep reading to see what happens

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