chapter 19

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"Luca what if it wasn't just a dream and if it was really going to happen"I say still shaking of the nightmare

"Princess you know it's just a bad dream"he says looking with soft eyes into my eyes

"It just felt so real I felt helpless normally I can handle these things but in my dream I couldn't"I say sipping more on the water

"Princess I'll protect you until the day I day"he says and I sense the genuine in his voice

"Thank you Luca"I say hugging him around his neck

"No need to thank me princess"he says and his hands slide onto my back

Luca gets up to go back to his office

"Please stay lay next to me"I say grabbing his arm before he could go

"Ok princess ill stay until your asleep,yes"he says and I smile at him as he gets onto the bed laying down beside me


"Luca can we get pizza and give Gloria the night off"i ask as I slump on the couch

"We can't order pizza princess"he says as he enters the lounge nothing but grey sweatpants on  and no shirt

Holy shit

"But we can make it"i say as I smile super bright

"Fine"he says after a few minutes

"Yeay"i squeal as I get up clapping my hands like I'm a 6 year old slightly jumping up and down

"Cmon slow poke"I scream as I run to the kitchen

"Princess careful your going to break your fucking neck"he says and I smile back to him

I take out the dough out of the fridge Gloria salt uses it to make tarts and pies so this is sort of ok at least we don't have to make it from scratch I open the packaging

And look over to Luca who is amused by my entertaining him with my bad unwrapping skills I can cook I can't unwrap things

I roll out the dough on the counter and remove some things from the fridge we don't have pepperoni but we do have cheese sausages and some ham

I put the tomato paste on the dough and I put the cheese on cutting up the sausage and ham also throwing it on

"This is gonna be soooo good"I squeal high pitched

"I'm sure it will princess"Luca says as he chuckles

I put the pizza in the oven and wait while I clean up

"Almost done"I say leaning over the counter that Luca is sat at

"Luca?"I say as he looks up smirking up at me

"Yes princess"he says and I smile even wider at him

"Can I bake tomorrow?"I ask with puppy dog dog eyes pouting and putting up a sweet act although I'm far from it

"Pretty please?"I ask and he looks at me with that really look

"I guess it would be ok but only if Gloria can help and only because it will keep you bussy while I have guests"he says and I instantly shriek

"Thank you,thank you,thank you"I scream running around the counter sitting on his lap kissing him to say thank you

"Yea yea princess just don't make a mess ok"he says and I kiss him again

"I won't"I say and get up as soon as I hear the timer for the pizza go off

"Yeay pizza time"i say and I put oven mittens on

I remove the pizza from the oven and placing it on the table and cut it

Luca reaches for a piece but I slap his hand away

"Hey what are you doing its hot you wil burn"i say and he looks at me questionably

"No stop"i say as he reaches again

"Fine fine,but this looks so good princess and I'm starving"he says with pleading eyes

Poor baby

"Just wait five minutes"I say as I walk over to him from around the counter

"I won't be able to wait"he says and stares at the pizza as if he's going to blow it up with his mind

"I think I can distract you long enough"I say as I start I straddle his lap

"Oh really well I think I can wait a few minutes"he says and places his hands on my hips

I look at his eyes as they shuffle to my eyes and to mouth I know he wants to kiss me I have learned how he is

I lean in and kiss him our lips collide moving in perfect harmony together his lips are so soft so gentle so sweet yet so minty so salty

I like having this type of fun with Luca its a lot of fun and we enjoy it

"I think we can eat now"I say against his lips and he smiles

"Well I should pass like that more often"he says and leans in to grab the pizza

"Thanks baby"he says taking a bite of his pizza smiling at me

"Is it good?"I ask him and he looks at me nodding his head

"You don't like it do you"i say and he looks at me confused

"No princess I love it"he says and I smile talking a piece of pizza

"For that I'll make you a treat tomorrow"I say and his eyes widen and his smirk returns

"Not that kind of treat you dirty minded person"I say and I bump his shoulder playfully

"What am I suppose to think if the most beautiful girl in the world told me to give me a treat"he says wiggling his eyebrows and looking at me with a funny look

"Oh shut up"I say and kiss him back on his lips

My Mr MafiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon