chapter 1

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Ok guys I know some people don't like intros I don't either but you need to read this to understand the story

Lea is a normal girl who practices medical help but she has a dream job to be a reporter she loves exploring and telling other people about what happened where

She basically loves to read every single piece there is on mafia,sports,murders,rich people and other things she finds it exiting

Luca is a unfealing gang leader who won't let the spider claws or anyone stand in his way he isn't innocent at all and he gives out the most gruesome and horrible orders but never really does them himself unless the victim has to know who he messed with

Let's just say he gets things done

Lea's pov

Driving to the nearby mall my sister's and brother keep kicking my seat in the back and the girls are hitting each other with Barbie dolls my mother is driving but she has been very upset lately since the insedent with my dad she doesn't even talk to me like itsy fault

I hate my live

As we turn into the mall drive in a van speeds past us and that's when I see him he locks his beautiful eyes with mine and it feels like everyone and everything stopped time stopped and for a split second I saw his face and he is gorgeous

The van spins around the circle again as I start to walk towards the mall something is up something doesn't feel right at first I thought they were boys having some harmless fun but they're doing something else

I hear a door open behind me and I feel someone grabbing my waist with a tight grip as I try to scream they cover my mouth with a cloth covered in a wet and strong liquid

And like that I'm out like a light not aware of what's happening around or to me

I'm going to die I know it

I wake up and I'm laying on a black leather seat with a jacket covering me and I squint my eyes to try and see where I am I'm in a van
The beautiful man sees this and helps me up "What happened"I say and he looks at me with a smile

"You have a beautiful voice princess what is your name"he says while holding my hand that I put on my head

I think for a moment and as he tucks the strand of hair hanging in my face behind my ear it hits me this guy is a freaking phyco he kidnapped me and I get mad

"You kidnapped me you phcyco" I yell at him as he tries to keep me still in the back of the van

"Let me go you stupid son of a bit..."he interrupts looking up at me and closing my mouth with is hand as I try to push him he grabs my wrists and damn is he strong I can't get out of his trap he leans into my ear and whispers 

"Dont dare finish that sentence princess"he says leans back and releases my hands and mouth to sit in his seat and strokes he side of the sliding car door

"Or what gonna kill huh"he looks at me with a 'ok I get it now shut the hell up' look more like a life threatening one too

He just keeps quiet and stares out the window what the hell is wrong with this guy

I hear a weird loud sound and I cover my ears the man who was waking me up jumped over to me as I felt the van serve he calls someone

"Yes get the men ready and meet on our street"he says into the phone

"Keep your head down princess or you might get hit"he says and I get on the floor and he covers my body with his is this man really willing to risk his life for me I don't even know him and he is saving my life

"I'm Lea" I say and he looks at me with a smirk
"Luca"he holds his hand out and I shake it but the car comes to a stop and he pulls open the door and lets me out first then getting out grabbing a bag and putting it on his shoulder then putting a gun in his back pocket we run towards the woods and I look back to see Luca has been shot in the leg and he's laying on the ground

"Luca"I run to him and put his arm over my neck taking his bag from him then I help him up and we run to the woods together well he's mostly hopping but he's doing surprisingly good

We get to the trees and there further into the woods I see a cabin but we sit behind a tree and I try to wrap up Lucas Legg but he won't keep still so I put my hand at the very top of his thigh trying to position his leg I tear my sleeve of of my long sleeved shirt and tie it around the top of Lucas leg to stop the bleeding then I take my other sleeve and tear it off

I put pressure to the wound with both my hands and walk over to see if there is anything helpful in the bag as I open it my eyes go as wide as plates and my mouth falls open

That's chapter one guys remember to vote comment and enjoy love all of you

Keep reading to see what was in the bag

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