18. Strawberries

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"Girl" Nikki yelled as she walked in.

"In here" I yelled back as I closed my laptop, she walked into the dinning area wearing a skin tight red dress & sky high heels "why aren't you dressed yet?"

"Because I'm not coming" I stood up.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's Tony Stark birthday for heavens sake" she looked at me.

"I know" I nodded "but I have work".

"You're acting like a grandma" she muttered.

"I have to drop by at the office" I picked my bag up "James will be there".

"Of course, everyone is going to be there except you" she rolled her eyes.

"I'll try to swing by" I told her.

"Does Tony know?" She folded her arms.

"No! & he doesn't need to know" I huffed.

"You're ditching him on his own birthday party?" She raised her brows.

"I'm doing this for him" I let out a breath "I have to get this work done".

"Okay mom" she grumbled.

"As soon as I'm done, I'll text you" I assured her.

"You better or else I'm swinging by the office with James to crash your meeting or whatever" she threatened "we won't want that won't we?" I laughed as I walked towards the door.

"I'm not joking" she yelled as I winked "gotcha" & walked out of the door.

The past four hours seems liked forty because of the endless buzz I was receiving, I'm sure it was from James & Nikki or maybe Tony but I had to get this deal done. I had no time to be answering or replying to their every text & call, as I got out of the office I was exhausted but as promised I needed to swing by it was Tony's birthday & I didn't want to be rude by not showing up cos we are in a good place now after a very long time.

As I reached the mansion it was lit & the music was deafening "finally! Thank goodness" James walked upto me "I thought you were dead".

"I am going to be" I let out a breath "I'm famished & exhausted af".

He gazed at my outfit for a while, he wanted to complain why I didn't dress up for the party but he didn't because by the look on his face I could tell something was going on. "Now don't freak out" he said slowly "but there's an issue".

"What?" I was a bit confused until I heard a loud bang "what the hell is that?"

"It's......" before he could complete his sentence I walked towards the living area & saw Tony Stark wearing his Ironman suit & blowing things up.

"What the hell!" I hissed as I walked towards him "Tony, Tony" I called as his eyes landed on me "you made it".

"Yeah, I did" I stood besides him "you're out of line, you need to come with me right now".

"No. No" he mumbled "the party is just getting started".

"You're drunk Tony, like completely hammered" I told him.

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