017. planning is just an excuse to eat cake

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They're on their way down the ER when she asks him

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They're on their way down the ER when she asks him. He nearly walks into a door. "Will you be my best man?" He turns to Charlie, his eyes wide. She manages to pull him out of the way before he smacks his face on an open door he hadn't seen. Once he regains his footing. He looks at her and smiles, but then his face changes.

"Aren't chicks supposed to have bridesmaids or something?"

"Mer and Cristina are my bridesmaids, Addison has Callie as her maid of honour, I want you to be my best man." Alex raises his eyebrows and smiles. "Do you want to be my best man or not? I can go and ask George?"

"No! No, 007 is not up for the job, of course, I will! I would love to." He pulls her in for a hug. "Does that mean, I get to organise the bachelor party!"

Shit. Maybe this wasn't the best idea.


Charlie's mom manages to get a viewing for a four-star hotel in Seattle to host the wedding; ceremony and reception in 3 months and Charlie has no idea how.

"They have the 17th of May available. It's a Friday night." Her mother says down the phone.

"Mom, how the hell did you manage to get a viewing? It's like completely booked out." Charlie says as secretly she scans the website, sitting at a computer in the medical library.

"Well, Bobby and I got talking," Her mom starts.

"Who the hell is Bobby?"

"He owns the hotel," She says it like it's obvious. "It turns out, I used to date his brother. Jared was always so lovely to me."

"Mom, I'm on my break please hurry up."

"Oh, sorry honey. Anyway, you have to view it on Monday at 11, they're going to go over all of the details; menu, flowers, reception. They will cover it all. You just need to do entertainment, cake and invitations." Charlie logs off the computer and sits back in her chair.

"Mom, you truly are a lifesaver." Addison knocks on the door, getting Charlie's attention. "I have to go, but I'll call you tomorrow? Okay. I love you, bye!" She hangs up the phone and spins in the chair towards her. "My mom got us viewing at The Strand on Monday at 11, she said they will sort everything. We just need entertainment and the cake. Addison raises her eyebrows in surprise. She's impressed.

"Wow, okay then. We need to pick a flavour for the cake by tomorrow evening and you need to call your cousin and see if he's going to be around to do the music." Addison smiles and turns to leave

"Do we have a song?" Charlie calls to her, catching her before she leaves. Addison stops and turns around, a look of thought and confusion on her face. "We need a first dance song. Do we have a song about us?" Addison thinks for a moment, before sitting on the corner of the computer desk, crossing her arms.

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