010. childhood home in a single bed

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Charlie's Mom arrives while she's asleep, 7 hours later. She got the next flight to come and see her baby. Alex greets her in the lobby and takes her up to Charlie's room. Addison is sitting in the chair next to her, reading over Charlie's chart. Alex walks in and stops when he realises that Addison is in there.

"Oh, sorry Addison. Charlie's mom is here." She nods her head and quickly gets up, placing Charlie's chart down on the end of her bed. Addison stands awkwardly letting Charlie's mom sit in the chair by her daughter.

Charlie stirs and wakes up slowly. Her voice is groggy. "Hi." She smiles.

"Oh, Charlotte. Alex called me. You're a silly girl. Always have to be the hero." She says, gently brushing the hair away from her face. Addison begins to walk out but Charlie stops her.

"Pretty girl!" She calls. Addison stops and turns back, smiling at Charlie and her Mom. "Mom, this is 'Pretty Girl'. She's my girlfriend."

"I'm Addison." She says as she holds out a hand, for Charlie's mother to take. She ignores the hand and stands up, pulling her in for a hug.

"Call me Lisa, honey." She says taking Addison's hands in her own. "You picked a pretty one there, Charlotte," Lisa adds, winking at Addison and sitting back down in the chair.

Addison's pager bleeps and she excuses herself, pulling Alex with her, leaving Charlie and her mom to talk.

"She doesn't talk much." Lisa makes a point of saying.

"She's been worried about me. She thinks it's her fault because I was getting coffee for her and now she won't stop blaming herself." Charlies as her stomach grumbles. "I need food. There are some vending machines on the 3rd floor, can you get me some M&M's." Charlie grins widely at her Mom.

"Of course, baby. I'll be right back." She says, patting her daughter's cheek and leaving in search of the vending machines.

She passes Alex as she winds down the corridors, trying to find the vending machines.

"Oh sweetheart, could you be a dear and get M&M's for Charlotte for me." She says as she fetches a door out of her purse. She tucks it in the top pocket of his coat and pats his cheek.

"I gotta check up on a patient first, but I'll get them to her as quickly as I can." He says, taking a few steps backwards, heading to wherever his patient was staying.

"You're a good boy, Alex Karev." He grins at her and shoots her a wink.


"Okay, I'm going to need you to keep up with the vitamins and come and see me in a month or so, just so we can see how the baby is progressing," Addison says to a young woman who cradles her pregnant belly.

"Oh, Mrs Beck. Hi. Are you okay? How's Charlie." She smiles, taking her glasses off her nose, letting them hang on the chain around her neck.

"Oh, honey I told you to call me Lisa. She's fine, Alex is bringing her food. I wondered if you had time for a coffee?"

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