008. she played the hero

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Addison is gone when she wakes up, so Charlie does as she promised and sets off to get coffee

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Addison is gone when she wakes up, so Charlie does as she promised and sets off to get coffee. Now, of course, she could just bring her coffee from home or even pick it up at the vendor outside the hospital, but Charlie knew that the Cafe on Liberty did the best lattes in the city and Addison deserved only the best.

So dressed in jeans a jumper and a beanie on her head, she sets off to get her girlfriend the best coffee in Seattle.

'It's nicer than a typical Starbucks Charlie thinks as she enters the cafe. There are people already crowded in the shop. People on their laptops, students on their way to college. Lots of people and lots of expensive things.

Of course, it was a good sight for a robbery.

"Nobody moves and no one gets hurt." A gruff voice shouts in the cafe. Charlie turns from her place in front of the cash desk and faces three men, balaclavas over their faces, pistols in their hands. Charlie puts her hands up and gets on her knees. "Empty the register." One of the men points his gun to the cashier.

The two other men are frisking the patrons, and stealing their belongings. A woman cries next to Charlie, cradling her stomach, it's clear she is pregnant and in distress. Charlie thinks that she looks a lot like Addison. Charlie looks at her, her red hair frames her face

Charlie takes a second before speaking up.

"Hey, we've got a pregnant lady here. She's in distress." One of the men turns to her. He walks over and presses the barrel to Charlie's head.

"You being funny? Huh?"

"No, I'm sorry. Please listen, she's pregnant and in distress, this isn't good for mother or baby. Just let them go, please."

The guy who holds the gun to Charlie's head steps over to the pregnant woman, she starts crying a lot harder now.

All she can see is Addison.

Charlie sets her jaw and takes a breath. She just sees red. Before she knows it, she's charging at the guy. Her shoulder collides with his legs and he goes tumbling.

She holds him down for a few seconds, then the gun goes off.

She gasps, a sharp intake of breath.



She can feel the blood. The man throws her off of him, she goes tumbling. The main guy gets off the floor and shoots her again, this time hitting her shoulder.

Charlie screams out in pain.

"This is what happens if you start being stupid. We don't want no more stupid people."

Multiple more gunshots sound and Charlie squeezes her eyes shut, trying to even out her breathing

Charlie groans in pain, she holds her side. The blood squirting out. The pregnant lady crawls over to her, holding a cloth to her side. "Shh. Shh. It's okay. My name's Emily. Thank you." Emily smiles down at her and holds the cloth to Charlie's side. She writhes in pain and gasps for air.

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