18: Comfort

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Third POV

Have you ever been in a room with 3 most powerful people and you being at the side of the attention in front of you witness their powerful killing instinct that makes your whole body petrified and suffocate of the enormous amounts of their powerful presences?

Well, that is what Enkidu felt right now.

In the audience hall,

He stood beside the King, glancing nervously at their 2 unexpected guests in front of them.

The Queen of Einzbern and the Loyal Knight of the Crown Prince Arthur.

Gilgamesh places his chin under his right palm, looking down at them with slight interest before he speaks. "What brings you here, Queen Irisviel?"

She looks up at him in determination, she simply answered, "Arthur."

With just one word, the name they all very familiar... the atmosphere in the room changes drastically. The once amused face of the king immediately turns to blank face but in his eyes shows his rage of wanting to torment those who dare to harm the prince.

Seeing his expression, she glances to Emiya in anxious. Her eyes say 'Should we trust him?'

Emiya nodded his head without a second thought.

He knows that Gilgamesh is very fond of Arthur, even though Emiya envious the king's blunt actions towards Arthur and he admit that he was jealous but knowing The king, Gilgamesh will do anything for Arthur and wouldn't harm those who are precious to the prince.

"Gilgamesh." Emiya speak up rudely without formalities, "Will you listen to Queen Irisviel's plan?"

"Why should I listen to a mongrel with no manners--?"

Irisviel bravely steps in as she raises her right arm forward, as in offering gesture, "Eliminate the threats!"

Gilgamesh turns to her with an intimidating gaze after she rudely cut his speech and about to attack her but he stopped when he heard her mention 'threat' as he keeps nodding his head, telling her to continue.

She breathing in nervous as she continues, "People who are a threat or dare to harm the crown prince must be eliminated."

The king smirks, his red eyes shine in interest and excitement while crossing his arms, showing that his full attention is now on her. "Elaborate me."


Somewhere at the Uruk village where a place to buy various things, Athanasia walking at the street fills with happy looking citizens as she still couldn't believe it. To thing, a King like Gilgamesh could become a great ruler.

Currently she with Ishtar.

Surprised, isn't it?

This afternoon, Ishtar came to Uruk in search of a certain white witch. Somehow, she stumbles in front of the grand entrance of Gilgamesh's castle and was surprised to see Athanasia walks passed the hall towards the dining room. Long story short, she followed her before she approaches the princess from behind but only to receive a hideous scream from Athy.

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