2: Life goes on

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A/N- Imagine this is him but with blue eyes. Yes2 the young Gilgamesh!

As life goes on, for the first time I felt glad to be alive.

What do you expect?

I almost got killed by my father for being a boy! A BOY!

Luckily mother saved me. I don't understand why Diana is alive on the day of my birth. Maybe my twisted father hasn't gone mad yet because she is still alive. At least I am not dead by his hand. Although, the looks of his expression, he really dislike me.

At the age of 7, I slowly took the appearance of my father, his crystal eyes and his golden-haired. An identical like his young self. Now he really wanted to murder me because I look like him, his young self that he wishes to never experience the tragic event.

I almost pity him.


Why can't I have mother's red eyes instead of his crystal blue eyes?!

The Crown Prince! (Who Made Me A Princess Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora