7. Attention seeker

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Sunday, next morning.

Joohyun stepped inside the kitchen, asking her maid to make a cup of coffee for her boyfriend that has just arrived at her place.

Without looking around, Jungkook entered Joohyun's wide living room and sat on the couch with a sigh.

He stretched his neck, still feeling exhausted from all the work he had to finish in just hours last night.

After Joohyun's call and the mental breakdown last night, Jungkook managed finish the rest of the papers like he had to while he still cried, which it harassed his eyes.

So no wonder why his eyes were looking a little swollen now and red. But despite that, Jungkook visited Joohyun.

He wasn't able to have a good sleep last night anyway.

However, once Joohyun returned to the living room and sat on the seater couch next to Jungkook's seat, she placed her arm on the armrest, leaning her body towards him and flashed a smile at him. "I'm happy you didn't forget to come over."

Jungkook smiled faintly and rubbed a little with his fingertips his tired eyes then leaned his head back against the couch to rest his shoulders. Not responding.

Joohyun was uneasy. Because of course she remembered all the things she told Jungkook on the call last night the moment she woke up. Not to be feeling guilty about it at all, but she was worried he question her about it and there wasn't any good excuse to make for any words she said.

But she decided to act normal in front of him as long as she was able to as she sat there, stroking her fingers and prayed for mercy.

The awkward silence as Jungkook still refused utter a thing made her a little scared of him. Not knowing if she was able to talk with him because she was afraid to open her mouth to say anything and watch him get frustrated with her, since all she does was getting on his nerves and Joohyun was sure Jungkook was still so pissed at her now and anything would easily make his blood boil.

That would make it hard for her to find words to defend herself. Because Jungkook's raising anger never failed to make her weak and tremble.

She closed her eyes for a second, swallowing, and decided pretend like she didn't remember a thing at all after getting drunk. Returning the smile to her lips.

On the other hand, Jungkook didn't really wish to open that topic, no matter how hurt he was with everything she said, since he was already tired enough and didn't want his condition any way worse than this. He just tried not even think whether Joohyun was telling a clear truth or spoke bullshit.

He wasn't even sure if she remembered the call, but if she did and has just a little bit of manner, she needed to apologize.

But would she?

Jungkook doubted.

He turned his head to her side and their eyes met for a second. Joohyun shivered, giving him nothing more than a short smile since he didn't respond and so she didn't know what to add now.

Joohyun also, definitely didn't want to look like she remembered, or let Jungkook realize she meant the things she said. But a little did she know that Jungkook didn't need to make sure she meant them because he knew she did.

There's when the maid came, holding a small tray with a cup of coffee. Jungkook sat up and thanked her, taking the cup.

"Baby?" Joohyun called when the maid left. 

"Yeah?" Jungkook responded into a soft sigh and took a small sip of the hot coffee, hoping this would relax his head.

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