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This chapter will be written in Alister's point of view.
This will serve as an insight so you can get to know him better.

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Alister's POV

I watched as the last rat bit it's way through his chest.

A terrible way to die, I'll admit.

I put my foot on the hem of the chair where the lifeless body briskly leaned on. His eyes were still filled with tears of terror. Even in death.

A small chuckle left my lips as I stared at the rats feasting on the rotting flesh, mindless of the giant hole they already ate in his lower abdomen.

I looked at my men.
With merely a simple nod, they knew what to do.

Keres picked the body up and dragged it out clutching its hair.

"What are you going to do with him?" Dracul voiced his concern from behind me.

"I'm going to send him home." I replied swiftly.

"Are you crazy? You will send his dead body back to the Garcías? They will want your head for this Don! This was their heir!" Dracul warned.

"A weak one. They should he thanking thanking me." I took out my 12 Year Single Malt Scotch Whisky and took small sips as the thrill for vengeance was slowly dying down.

"Is your revenge really worth starting another war?" Dracul's worried tone intensified, "You're putting all of us at risk just because you can't control yourself!"

I grabbed him by his collar which was now wet with blood.
"Don't forget your fucking place Dracul! You may be my right-hand, but raise your voice at me one more time and you will end up in the same basket as Mathew García!" I threaten and throw him towards the brick wall in the dungeons.

He holds his throat and gasps for breath before slowly getting up.
The Garcías weren't exactly strong. They were smaller in numbers and they tactics were not any smarter than the rest. It was their willpower that made them stand out.

This made them resolutely annoying in my eyes.
The fact that I could kill them with one shot and still my right-hand was concerned.

It didn't take long for me to realize he wasn't concerned about the mafia, but about me. My bad temper was infamous around the world but I knew that without it, I wouldn't bring in the success that I do.

I looked at the men around me. Unlike Dracul, they didn't seem distressed or worried. In fact, most of them were grinning with anticipation.

If any of my men, especially my most trusted ones, would even dare show any sign of weakness or fear, they would be executed immediately.
It may have harsh, but this was my fucking mafia and the last thing I needed was boys who would hesitate at the front lines if we inevitably got to the point of war.

"I need to eat." I called out suddenly and left the dungeons, leaving my men behind to get rid of the bodies.

Dinner was, as always, exhausting. I usually preferred eating in private up in my room but once in a while I had to make an appearance. In reality, I despised these meetings
I never enjoyed having to meet up with the lords that were not only beneath me but they wore their titles around as if it were some collar. I had enough on my plate already and I had absolutely no desire to waste my time discuss anything with either of them.

The dinner went as usual.
It was held in one of the ballrooms where the more elite members of my mafia or the high-ranked lords would be the invited to attend a formal dinner.

Being the Don, I was constantly surrounded by people sucking up to me to get a better title or earn more money. The few that would actually gather up the courage to come and talk to me were the first ones that got demoted or kicked out. The fact that they thought that they were on the same level as me seemed to anger me even more.

As the evening went on.I found myself fantasizing what it would be like to hear their last breath escape their mouths. From the second I started hiring them, they contributed a grand total of nothing back to the mafia or the country.

Since overtaking the government, I was now the leader.
I'll be honest. I didn't give two shits about the people under my "rule".
I only cared about my mafia and unless it benefited me, I wanted no responsibility over the country.
That's where the lords come in.

A lord can be either one of my most trusted men or some brain-dead rich idiot who I leave in charge of an area I rule.

I only let them live in the manor because Dracul advised me to. He said it protect both our integrity and pride from my enemies.
Ever since then, my fucking house looked like a medieval castle. Even though the extra company was annoying, it did prove to be useful as I didn't have to worry too much about the state of the country and instead, I could focus on the more important issues at the enemy lines.

Out of nowhere, a hand was placed on my arm.
I turned around and sighed in annoyance as soon as I saw who it was.

Cullen's daughter.

"Hey baby." She smiles sheepishly as she reached her manicured hand up to my shoulder."Why are you so tense?"
"I'm not in the mood." I snap back.
It was a long day and the last thing I needed was to deal with her bullshit.

Unfortunately she wasn't taken back by my outburst.
"How about I help calm you down?" She asks suggestively.

I tore my arm away from the girl and left the ballroom. I walked up to the elevator and pressed the button to the 42nd floor. My floor.
I valued privacy above all and at all costs which meant reserving ten floors and a private elevator just for myself. It may have seemed cocky but it served as a good reminder to them as to who I was. Their leader and their superior and I was in no way inclined to have to acknowledge their presence.

I have half a mind to just shoot them all and be done with it, but that would mean taking more responsibility for the country other than just making the rules and being the leader. I simply do not have time for that.

The elevator finally arrives at my first floor of the ten.
I throw my coat to the couch and go to my office.

I still had to contact the Calientes for updates about the Siberian mafia.
Last time I heard, those idiots were still pining for ideas on how to get rid of me. No matter how much times they were put down they somehow still think they have the pride to get back up again. Normally, I wouldn't bother with them but I had to be cautious of the fact that if they merge with another mafia, the situation would worsen immensely.

After sorting through most of my work, I went out into the hallway of my room and scanned the surroundings for protection. From the age of five, I always had a sense of paranoia surround me and I made sure to look through my entire place before I went to sleep. To not check would be extremely foolish as any imbecile is able to stab someone while they are unconscious.

Then, suddenly, something caught my eye.
An open door.
The door to one of the bedrooms was open.

I felt fury creeping up to my spine and I took my gun out from under my belt. I rushed up to the door and kicked it wide open.
I positioned my gun and my eyes rapidly scanned the room as they searched for any sign of motion.

Then I saw something on the floor.
No. Not a something. A someone.

Why the fuck was there a maid in my room?

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