Ch. 1: The result of excessive steroid use?

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Denver's POV (Alix)

First day of school. Junior year.


Note the sarcasm.

Not that summer had been trips to The Hamptons or traveling through Europe with my exciting friend. Honestly, summer had been a drag, so I had spent most of it working to save up a bit of cash.

My friends had been busy with their families. And when I say friends, I use the term loosely. I have 3. Ok, 4 if I count Sandra from work. I only see her twice a week when we man the concession stand at the local movie theater. But we have fun together for those 6 hours.

Anyway, my friends had been busy, and I had been pretty much left alone in that mausoleum of a house I lived in with my foster parents and their annoying daughter, whom I suspect is not theirs either.

But who am I to judge?

Rachel had always been all girly girl. Boys, makeup, dresses, famous singers and movie star obsessions. The works.

And me? I'm not.

A girly girl that is. I've never really cared much about how I look or if I knew who the star of the latest movie was. Maybe a bit paradoxical when working at a movie theater, but here we are.

That was also a reason why I had spent as much of the summer at work as possible. To get away from Rachel and her excessive talks about boys and parties. Her rants about the jocks at school... Oh my god, just count me out.

Sneaking my way in through the side doors to the main building I hoped to not run into any of the usual dickhead or drama queens. Seriously, they should make a tv show where they permanently relocated all those morons to a far away island and we could watch them tear each other apart from the comfort of our own homes.

From the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the Y-girls. Or 'WTF'-girls as I liked to call them. Wendy, Tiffany and Felicity. If Rachel was bad, then those three were the queens of bad. I hated them with a vengeance. They walked like they owned the place, treated everybody like they were inferior to them. And they dressed like utter whores.

I had no desire to start my day or year for that matter with a confrontation with them, so I diverted into a hallway and kept my head down rushing to get to my English lit class.

Just a few moments more and I had been scot free, but no. I rammed straight into what felt like a concrete wall. Blurry eyed I shook my head to clear my vision. My hands I held out in front of me to steady myself and that was when I felt what could only be described as muscles of steel.

What the actual hell?

"Eat a fucking marshmallow from time to time, would you? You're like a steel door to walk into." I grabbed my aching forehead with one hand while still supporting myself against the unknown and lifted my gaze to see what steel door it was, I had tried to take down all by myself.

My eyes were met with the sharpest most mesmerizing grey eyes which held an amused glint. Semi-long black locks of hair fell down his forehead and a crooked smiled played on his luscious lips revealing a dimple in his left cheek.

Great. Oh, great indeed.

"Sirius," I croaked out.

There he stood 8 feet of raw masculinity. Exaggeration, but still, he was like 6'5 at only 18 or 19 years old. If he did not stop growing, he would end up being a total freak and not the absolutely gorgeous piece of male perfection he was currently blessed with being.

His dark blue jeans were tight all the right places showing his muscular thighs and narrow hips and the black t-shirt was probably not a t-shirt but bodypaint because it was plastered to his body as if paint. Showing off what could only be described as perfection.

And right there in the middle of all the black paint on his rippled stomach was my pale hand, resting against his washboard abs.

I drew back my hand like he had been on fire. Yes, he was hot, but not exactly on fire. Embarrassed I looked up into those grey eyes. Of course, they were grey, he was made of steel why wouldn't his eyes reflect what was inside him?

"I didn't mind you touching me, sweet thing," Sirius drawled with a lazy smile. "Did you like what you felt?"
"The result of excessive steroid use? Not really."

With a pleased smile I saw his face drop for a second and then he went back to the cool cat he always was.

"No steroids here, it's all me."

I rolled my eyes. It was like talking with The Terminator, maybe I had to use smaller words for him to get a clue.

"So, what's your name? I don't believe I've seen you around before?"
"Seriously? That's what you're going with? The 'I haven't seen you around before'? I've been one class under you for years."
"You're bullshitting me. I would have noticed you."

Much to his obvious dismay I laughed at him. God, he was a moron. Hot as lava but dumb as the dirt the volcano was made of.

"Maybe if you took the time to look around when not having your tongue down some cheerleader's throat, you might have. But trust me, I'm just fine without you noticing me. Now piss of and go pump some iron or what it is you do."

Lucky for me the bell rang otherwise I'm sure he would have torn me apart because his nostrils flared and his eyes sort of burned into me. Not in a scary way, but it did send shivers down my spine. Hurriedly I pushed past him and ran into the safety of my English lit class with his voice traveling after me.

"Hey! You never told me your name."

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