Chapter 7

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Jai's POV

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Tyson asked, waking up from perhaps my loud, cheerful whistle. It was the 5th day of the new month and year and I was happily packing up my bag pack with fresh textbooks, notebooks, and a new ballpoint pen. I know classes do not start until next week but I'm just so excited for the school to start.

Last night, I found out that Nadine and I were taking the same 2 business classes. That means I get to see and interact with her at least three times a week. Better yet, I have a legitimate reason to talk to her and not because I need to beg her.

"Are you packing your school supplies right now, dude?" Tyson teased, sitting up and rubbing his right eye from the morning dew.

I ignore him and set my bag on the chair next to my bed. Tyson may be my cousin but I still don't like him, not after what he has caused me and Daniel. The only reason he was here with us was because of our grandmother's wishes.

He also claimed that he was deeply sorry for what he has done and he has promised to make it up to us. He said that he's here with us to help us win the girls over but all he has been doing is sleep and judge us for our choices lately. He claims that he extremely feel bad for what have happened but it doesn't sure look like it. Tyson is all bark, really.

If he hasn't noticed that Daniel and I have been ignoring him, he obviously does not give a damn. We know that he was only forced to be here with us. If he had a choice, he would be back home with Samson right now.

"What's for breakfast?" He asked, getting up from his bed. I was actually surprised he was up this early-- even earlier than Daniel. Tyson doesn't get around breakfast time so breakfast for Daniel and I was great.

When it came to lunch and dinner, when he is awake to join us, Daniel and I pretend that we were not in the good mood or terms, which is why we weren't speaking to each other. In truth, it's just that we didn't want any conversation with Tyson. That's how much we dislike him but we have to pretend that we don't because he is our cousin.

"I don't know, Ty. Why don't you make some?" I suggested.

All I got from him was a, "Ugh."

Afterwards, I went back to sleep since I wasn't cut out to see Tyson or hear his damn, annoying voice up early this morning. Besides, my plans weren't until the evening anyways and I'm sure as hell Tyson won't be there.

As for Daniel, he hasn't been himself at all. He wasn't outgoing like he was before. He's always moody, especially against Tyson. He's also been very quiet. Before, he used to always tell me everything going on in his mind, but now, all I get is a "Yeah, dude. I'm alright. Don't trip."

When it came to pursuing what I want, his support wasn't the same anymore. The times I see the opportunity and decide to take it, Daniel was the one that holds me back from it. For example, the New Years Eve party at the dude's condo.

He and I both knew the love of our lives would be there, but he toss that like a crumpled paper to a bin. He wouldn't have gone if it wasn't for me. He has definitely changed and I don't know what I should do about it.

"Dude, just hurry up before I change my mind," Daniel whined as he stood by the door.

"Geez, hold on," I yelled out as I was in the bathroom, looking at myself as I comb my hair.

It's when I stepped out of the bathroom that Tyson surprised me, "Where are you guys going?" I had to take a step back from bumping into him. Daniel and I just glanced at each other before turning back to him. "Can I come to wherever you two are headed to tonight?"

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