Chapter 2

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Nadine's POV

"So, are you ever going to tell me your story?" Austin pulls my attention back to him. Like we agreed on, we were eating lunch together at In & Out. Before I could even leave my room, Natalia and Samantha did not let me go without teasing me and saying I was going on a date with Austin. They were such kids.

As soon as Samantha and I left Puerto Galera, I begged my parents if they can send me off to college as soon as possible. Maybe if I arrived a day later, I would not have bumped into the Bass siblings. Maybe, I would not have to put up with the male Bass. I have only known them for a couple of months and they were easy to let their guard down on me.

As for myself, I have been trying to postpone it on them. Ever since 'that' happened, I made sure my walls were not easy to break.

"Don't you trust me?" He asked. I stare at my burger before meeting his eyes. I give him a sincere look, caressing his cheek with my thumb.

"Of course, I don't," I grinned.

"You suck," he chuckles, grabbing my hand and throwing it back to me.

Austin and I have this relationship where we sometimes talk and act like a couple and then later on, we act like we are arch-nemesis or something. Some of the friends we have made are even confused to what we were.

Before it could even get into something, I already told Austin that I was not the relationship type. Of course, he assumed that I was just like him and his sister, a player. Then when I told him that I have never had any relationships, he was like, 'That's impossible.'

Austin understood and he did not begged on asking why I did not date or did not like him romantically. But ever since that day, we have been in this friendship where we just act like couples, and at the same time, act like rivals.

"You know, why don't we just date each other already? Obviously, you feel the same way I feel about you," he suggested, which completely pulled my attention back to him. "There we go."

"What did you just say?" I asked.

"I have been trying to talk to you but your mind seems to be somewhere else. I knew by saying that, it will definitely pull your attention to me," he smirks.

I grinned, "You're such an attention-seeker."

"But, I'm serious, Nadz," he said. "Why don't you ever open up to me, or even Natalia?"

"I'm big on trust, Austin. I have been hurt and lied to and I can't afford getting my heart broken again."

"I'm not going to break your heart, Nadz. I promise. You can trust me," he muttered as he held my face with his greasy hands.

"I c-can't. Not now," I said with a weak voice. After staring into each other's eyes for about half a minute, we burst out laughing.

I don't think there will ever be a day where Austin and I can be serious with each other, especially talking about our feelings and relationship. It's just not us.

"Are they really not together?" I hear a very nasally voice. I look up to the entrance. Three girls enter with their really short skirts, high heels, and 100 layers of make-up on their face. Yes, they actually exist in real life. I thought it was only exaggerated in movies and books.

"Speaking of," I hear one of the girl say as her eyes land on me then to Austin.

Per usual, they head towards us. I do not know what I did to them. From the moment they laid their eyes on me, they automatically loathe me. I have classes with two of them and they don't let a day pass without letting me know that they hate me so much with a passion. Thankfully, I did not have classes with their leader. She hated me more.

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