Chapter 15: That Was An Absolute DISASTER.

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"Anyways - so, what happened when you were on the Skeld?" He asked.

Blue recounted the events, leaving out the parts where she worked against Green, and where she spared the lives of her crewmates and faked their deaths.

She also embellished the part where she had a breakdown after supposedly killing her crewmates, instead saying that she was completely stone-faced and never shed a tear.

After all, she didn't get the feeling that emotions were favored here.

Oh, and she decided to leave out the parts where she argued with Green.

If she was supposed to stick with Green, she didn't want Commander Maelstrom to think that they'd argue every two minutes.

Blue didn't want to admit to herself that she actually kind of wanted to stick together with Green.

He was annoying all right, but at least she knew he wouldn't kill her.

... Okay, maybe he would. If I keep getting him into trouble, who's to say that he won't just take the shot to save himself?

Maelstrom considered her story. "Very well. Also, Lexacon calls you Blue - but what is your actual name?"



It'll trigger too many memories - better to keep it secret so no one can use it against me.

Maelstrom shrugged. "Fine, if that's what you want to go by. Well then, Blue, Lexacon has requested you to be his partner, and you will soon begin your training. However, since you seem rather capable, I will shorten the initial training time - just this once."

"Wait, what about the patience test thing?"

"Lexacon should be able to teach you that - as much as I don't like him, I do have to admit that he's good at what he does.

"And, if things go awry on an assignment, you can always throw him under the bus - or, if he has any sense, he'll throw you under the bus."

... Such optimism. Much wow.

Throughout the meeting, Blue couldn't shake the feeling that Maelstrom really didn't like Green for some reason.

So why is he suddenly allowing Green to take me in?

She stopped herself.

Why am I worried about Green? He can obviously take care of himself.

And WHEN did I become concerned with his well-being? The guy MURDERS people, for crying out loud.

She exited Commander Maelstrom's office, and Green was there, waiting for her.

Winston had left, thankfully, and Green quickly ushered Blue down the hallway.

He entered a room labeled with his name, and inside was a small living space.

"Okay, what did you say to Maelstrom?" He urgently asked.

"... Why are you so paranoid? The man seems fine."

I never thought I'd miss the annoying Green. This scared side of him is starting to freak me out a bit.

Green looked deep into her eyes. "Rule number one of surviving SSOUI: never underestimate people. And rule two: NEVER assume that people have good intentions."

... Well, isn't that just reassuring?

After Blue didn't answer, he sighed. "I don't mean to scare you, but that's the truth. Don't trust anyone, you hear me?"

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