Chapter 10- Destroying the Key(the aftermath)

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(Y-n's P.O.V) You rush to Coraline's house with the key in your pocket and don't even notice that vermin is following, while your walking he was jumping from the roof top, You finally make it to Coraline's house and you see a hand come out of the portal. You immediately start to run towards the well but as you got outside the door the hand grabbed your leg and started to drag you with the key. You screamed so loud that Coraline woke up and the cat came as well. The hand took the key from your pocket , and opened the door and dragged you into the tunnel freaked out you almost broke loose until Vermin stepped on the hand and broke it. He looked at you with worried eyes. You cried than jumped into his arms. Meanwhile you , Coraline and Vermin went to go get rid of the key. You guys burned the key, You thanked Coraline and walked back home with vermin. On the way you told vermin everything and you tried not to sob up but it was impossible because it was traumatizing for you. Vermin felt sympathy for you and hugged you. After that you fell asleep on vermin again and woke up to a brand new day.

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