˚✩ ⋆。˚ Chapter 12 ˚✩ ⋆。˚

Start from the beginning

Nightmare stood up straighter, surprised at his name being mentioned in the conversation and baring his sharpened teeth.

"W- you don't know anything, you fool!" Nightmare shouted, clawing at his face furiously. "It's not like you were ever there for me— so don't ever speak about—"

What are they talking about? He knew they had a history, they're brothers of course, but Nightmare had always refused to elaborate on it.

"I knew what was happening, I just didn't really... hm, what's the word... oh! Care. I just didn't really fucking care!" Dream stated with a triumphant grin, staring at his bone-nails and pretend-filing them.

Blue gasped and fell back at Dream's use of a curse word, but luckily Dust was there in time to catch him before he met the ground.

"Y-you're lying... that's your corruption speaking for you," for the first time since his corruption, Nightmare sounded vulnerable, maybe even worried.

"Nope," Dream responded, popping the 'p.' "My corruption just lets me speak my mind, and what I really think is that you're a useless, selfish waste of space. Go dust yourself."

"I-I..." Nightmare shook, pupils going back and forth at a loss for what to do and where to look. "...n-no, you go dust yourself, I hate you..."

"That's enough," Ink interrupted their little family reunion, drawing out his paintbrush and positioning himself in a fighting stance.

"Dream, this isn't you. We're your friends, come back to us!"

"Funny, you don't seem to share the same sentiment without your vials." Shattered seethed, causing Ink to loosen his posture and his mouth to open slightly before he shook his head, returning his composure.

Everyone was confused, but chalked it up to being a shallow inside reference between the two.

"We came to fight you, and that's exactly what we'll do."

"Oh? Alright then." Shattered shrugged, grinning maniacally as he simply stood there, awaiting their attempts.

Nightmare growled, sharpening his tentacles and shooting them out, aiming them at Dream's neck, going at a pace so quick that Killer's eyes barely had time to follow what was happening when Dream bent down and let it fly into his mouth.

"Ew, what are you doing?" Nightmare said, shrinking his tentacles in disgust. "Get that out of your damn mouth, it's unhygienic—"

And then Dream bit down onto the tentacle, snapping it in half and swallowing the piece that was still in his mouth, letting it smoothly slide down his throat. It tasted like seafood.

Nightmare screeched loudly, jumping back and hitting the brick wall behind him, slumping down. His appendage was now cut short, it would grow back in due time, but for now he was handicapped.

They all watched as his limp tentacle flopped about uselessly on the floor and spilled purple fluid out onto the ground, forming a little puddle.

Dream giggled remorselessly, licking his bone lips and rubbing his full stomach with a gentle hum. His eyes sharpened, tentacles rising as he looked over each one of them individually, eyes lingering over Killer for a moment.

His eyes darkened, pupils disappearing as time seemed to completely freeze up, even the glittering shooting stars above up halted in their movement.


His many tentacles flew back then shot at Ink and Dust like a slingshot, grabbing them both by the leg and slamming them back down into the ground repeatedly, leaving layers upon layers of dust to coat the premises.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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