Letter 8

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Dear Natalia, 

I'm finally being brave, doing what I've wanted to do for ages. Ask you out. And yeah I know studying for Potions in your bedroom is not really a date but we've only ever studied in the library, this will be different. Don't worry I won't try anything, not at first that is. Although, I think about it a lot. Pushing you up against the wall, kissing you so hard it would give you butterflies. My hand on your waist as you run your fingers through my hair. To be honest I would get butterflies too. But until then, until we are more than friends, I will just have to keep daydreaming. Daydreaming about how beautiful and stunning and perfect you are. I can't help thinking about how you looked earlier today in Potions' class. I smirked at you after Snape had insulted Harry and you smiled back, your big and bright happy smile. I could tell it meant something or was that in my head? Either way, it meant something to me. No one makes me happy the way you do. Every time I see you in classes, at dinner, in the halls, your smile always makes me feel at home. Even when I'm in the worst of moods. You never disappoint do you, Natalia? I love you, I don't know how many times I've said that already, probably too much. But who cares, you probably won't get these letters anyway, I probably won't send them. Not yet that is. 

Love Draco

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