Letter 6

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Dear Natalia, 

My father was being awful to me again. But it's ok, I'm used to it by now. I wish you could be here though, to comfort me. We would talk it all out and I'd be fine, not broken. We would lay under the stars, I would hold your hand and trace your thumb with mine. We would run down Hogwarts halls while blasting songs, our songs. Well, we don't have songs now, but if we were together we would. If we were together. That's something I think of way too often. I like to think it would be amazing, unforgettable. I miss you and yet I never had you. I think I miss what we could have, the possible relationship we could be having right now, this moment. And how is it that I can love you and love this fantasy of us together when having no idea what it's like? I know what being your friend is like and it's great. Pranking first years, study dates in the library. But I want more than that, I want midnight strolls in the halls, secret makeout seshes in broom closets, I want dates under the stars, handholding in class, nights in each other's rooms where we just talk. Why can't this happen? I want you, and everything we could be. But it's a constant reminder when we brush shoulders during dinner or classes, it's a constant reminder when I see you with Ron or Harry, it's a constant reminder that you only see me as a friend, nothing more. Why is that? Am I not good enough? 

Love Draco

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