Letter 12

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Dear Natalia,

I hope you don't think im ignoring you. I've merely been busy, plus I've been nervous to approach you, thinking I might give away my deep love for you. Because lately, I've been finding myself almost acting on these feelings. A few weeks ago I saw you leaving the library right before dinner, I almost called your name and professed my feelings right there in front of everybody. But before I could expose myself, you were out the door, leaving me with my mouth wide open. That's when I decided if I wanted to keep my love for you a secret, then I would have to simply push the thought from my mind and focus on other things, like school, and quidditch.  So, what I'm getting at is that I hope you don't think I hate you. Because it's really quite the opposite. 

Pansy asked me to the holiday ball, by the way. I told her no, and she got all mean and snappy. Then she gave me the evil eye and stormed off, probably crying in the hall as I write this. She asked me just moments ago, after that I came up to my dorm to write this letter. Maybe I'll send this one. No, I can't. As much as I want to go to the ball with you, and do much more, I can't send this. Because then if I hear that you in fact only see me as a friend, then my soul will be crushed and I would never be able to look at you again without feeling that familiar lump in my throat that I get before I cry. Do you see what you do to me? I am a wreck because of you. 

But with that being said, will you go to the ball with me? Would you ever wish to? Or would you rather go with Potter, or Weasley? 

Love Draco

Dear Draco, Dear NataliaWhere stories live. Discover now