Letter 11

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Dear Draco, 

 A couple of weeks have passed, you've been distant and I have no idea why. Did I do something the last time we spoke? Back in my dorm room, we were studying for classes. Did I say something to scare you away? If so, please come back. I need your simple smirks during class that gets the butterflies going inside. I need the cute little remarks about everything and nothing that you whisper in my ear during Potions class. I need you back, if that means as only as a friend, well, I'll take it. Though I hope you know that I will be forever wishing for more than that. More than just the pats on the back all friends give each other. More than just the innocent hugs and brushing of hands. I will be forever wishing for more. Do wishes ever come true? 

Besides the fact that I am still hopelessly, madly, and deeply in love with you, I had a question to ask. There is a Holiday ball in a few weeks, the day before my birthday actually, December 20th. Will you take me? Will you take my hand and dance with me into the night? Or will you break my heart once again and ask someone who is more worthy of your time? I suppose Pansy has already asked you, and you being the perfect human being you are, you probably said yes, so as not to hurt her. Or maybe, if my wishes have come true, you declined her offer, hoping to take me instead. Or have I just gotten my hopes up again? You know, I replay the day dream in my head over and over, you asking me to the ball. Inside the messed up yet mesmerizing head of mine, you ask me to meet you at the Astronomy Tower, then you take my hand and say something utterly romantic, like, "Natalia, I've been admiring you for years now. And I just cant hold it in any longer. Will you be my date to the Holday ball?". Though I suppose that is not that romantic. But seeing as I am deeply, head over heels in love, anything coming form your mouth amazes me. Even things I shouldn't find hot, like when you insult Harry. Harry is my friend, and I care for him. But I cant help noticing the cute twicthes of your lips, and how you smirk around, looking for people to join in on your laughing. If I am being quite honest, I have to contain myself in order not to laugh with you. Because like I said, Harry is my friend, though I agree, he can sometimes be a selfish, attention seeking git. 

Love Natalia 

Dear Draco, Dear NataliaWhere stories live. Discover now