Minecraft Championship 9

Start from the beginning

<Smallishbeans whispers to Grian> Hey Grian, are you with Jimmy and Martyn? I can't find you guys anywhere.

<Grian whispers to Smallishbeans> Ya, we will be right over!

"As much as I wish we have time to talk more, Joel is starting to ask where we are. We should start switching off. Will anyone see Zee soon to be able to give him one of the Songs?"

"I can try to meet up with him. He's been doing a lot on his own recently," Martyn says taking the Motilium.

"I can give one to Mini. I'm meeting up with him with a group of people in Hub World." Jimmy takes the Supporium. 

"I guess that leaves the Agressium and Protisium," Grian said.

"Grian, you should take the Agressium. If something happens, that is the one that needs to be protected the most." Pearl grabs the Protisium and puts it in her inventory.

"Are you sure?" Grian takes the remaining Prime Song. He puts it in the enderchest and picks it up. "We should start heading back."

As the group starts heading back, Pearl leaves them to join her team. They see Joel inside the crowd looking for them. Jimmy calls him and Joel runs over. "Where were you guys? I've been looking everywhere for you!" 

"We got here early so we looked around some of the areas further out. I think they are about to start recording the event," Grian answered. The other three started talking but Grian started getting lost in his thoughts. The conversation they were talking about before Joel contacted him made him realize what is happening.

He had been thinking something was coming. He had been feeling a deep ache in his body for a while but had been passing it off as just overworking. Knowing that the others have also been feeling it he knows it isn't. It would make sense if something is happening to the End. He had heard that past Enderkings and queens have felt when the End was dying but never heard that other Enderknights being able to. Maybe what is coming is worse than it was in the past. Most of the time when it happened it was because the Nether lost balance with the End. He thought that he might just be overthinking it. He decided that he should think about it later because the championship was going to start soon.

"You're a tough guy Jim," Joel says. Jimmy and Martyn start laughing while Grian is confused at what they were talking about.

"I am sorry, I just got lost in my thoughts, but what is going on," Grian inquired, having no idea of what they were talking about. The others just laughed and tried explaining what happened. Grian was even more confused so they tell him not to worry about it. They continued talking until all their communicators started buzzing.

Is everyone on your team ready?

Yes                   No

"Are you guys ready," Grian asks while clicking yes on his communicator.

"I'm ready. We can't come tenth," Jimmy says.

"My lordship depends on it," says Martyn.

"Well, we have been predicted to be tenth. I was looking it up and got sad so I left," Joel tells the rest of the team.

"We need to make sure we don't come last. Lordships are on the line!" Everyone starts laughing.

"I feel like we are just going to start calling each other by Lord's," Grian jokes.

The Minecraft Championship starts and they run in to get to their booth. They started out playing Sky Battle and continue playing other mini-games. They ended by playing Sands of Time. Grian looks at his communicator to see what their score is.

"Guys, we got second in Sands of Time! We got eighth! We are Lord's," Grian excitedly yells causing some of the people around them from other teams to look at the Pink Parrots cheering for getting eighth. 

The dodgeball game started between the Blue Bats and the Green Guardians. Grian and the rest of his team all went to get flags to support the Bats. "You can do it Ren and False!" cheered Grian. The Guardians won the first two rounds almost assuring their win. The third round ended with both teams having two members on both sides. The Blue Bats shot twice getting both of the Guardians. After that, the Blue Bats won two more times taking the win of the game. 

Everyone got teleported outside of the arena. The Blue Bats teleport on top of the stage with the Minecraft Championship crowns. Everyone congratulated the Bats before heading off to the portal to teleport them back to their world. 

"So… are we when are we going to get our lordships?" asked Jimmy as they were walking towards the portal.

"We can figure some time to go get them when we're all free to go to Hub, maybe sometime next week?" Joel answered. "I have to get back to X-Life to work on a build for Callum. It's been nice to meet you guys and I'll see you later Jimmy," he walks through the portal and teleports out.

The other three all look at each other before walking away from the portal. "At least we don't have to explain to Joel why we aren't going through the portal," Jimmy sighed as they started walking into a cave far from everything else in the world. They walked further into the cave until they reached the stronghold of the world. They followed the lit path they created a few months ago when they first found it. Once they reached the portal they all jumped in.

Once they are on the other side, they walk off the obsidian platform to where the portal in the center of the island is. Grian dropped the enderchest and grabbed a few ender pearls before picking the chest back up. "The ender pearls we have from Ardonia are starting to get low. This might be the last time we can swap the songs around. I am giving you guys some extra so you have the chance to give them to Mini and Zee." Grian hands the two Enderknights a few pearls. "I have to wait for Pearl to get here to give her an ender pearl so don't wait for me to go."

Grian watches as Jimmy and Martyn both throw an ender pearl into the void and disappear in a cloud of ender particles. He had to wait a few minutes before Pearl showed up. Grian hands her one before she heads to the edge of the End island to throw her pearl into the void.

Grian walks past the obsidian towers over to the edge and looks down into the void. He grabs the last ender pearl out of his inventory and throws it into the void. He concentrates on thinking about Hermitcraft. He feels the familiar pull that comes with the ender pearl before he also disappears leaving behind a trail of ender particles.

Hoped you enjoyed! I'm trying to write the chapters longer to be more of the length of this chapter so I hope you can be patient with them.
At the end when Gian gave them all ender pearls, they all do have a small supply of them but Grian has a few more than the rest of them. They used their own to get their songs to MCC. Their personal supply of ender pearls are mostly for if something goes wrong, they can escape with the song.

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