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'jesse no longer knew the comforts of a closet. because he had stepped out of it, and once you do, there’s no going back in. jesse knew this for a fact, since he had used all his strength trying to pry open the doors once again. (spoiler alert: they hadn't budged) coming out had been the toughest thing he’d ever done, but he was sick of kissing girls during spin the bottle and pretending as if kim kardashian’s ass turned him on. so jesse mcgee went from being sad and lonely to being sad, lonely and openly gay.'

god knows that jesse mcgee has more than a few eventful valentine's days tucked under his bright suspenders. the evidence would suggest that cupid is not jesse's friend. he's beginning to think that he's never going to find love. but all these fateful days that have pent up over the years have two good things in common - connor scott, and bowties.

this is my entry for the taygetsthegay valentine's day one shot challenge (challenge in the external link) yaay i'm so excited haha. i've never written anything lgbt before so i'm not sure if this is even halfway decent and it's really stressful :/ but taygetsthegay is greatt cause they build awareness and promote lgbtq+ and it's super important for our generation to broaden our minds and be more accepting of all sexualities. i've been reading all the entries till now and wow ♥ this is a one shot, so only one chapter, which i'll upload whenever i'm done. hopefully more than two people will read it and if you do, then i love you :3  



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