九 - 𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽, 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻

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The energy between the two young boys, after the night Phil stood up for Dan's presence, had shifted. They sought less to laugh themselves, more to make the other laugh and for joy to ripple across the other's cheeks. They'd both acknowledged it inside their own minds, both believing they were growing up and were expecting things to change as they matured. Phil noticed he stood considerably taller than Dan now, despite their eyes staying at a similar level before the age of twelve. They'd found desperation to learn about how spirits age and grow, but learnt that as long as Dan had the energy and desire to, he would age as humans would along his best friend's side.

But, Dan didn't want to age if it meant aging alongside Phil, because he didn't want Phil to grow older. He felt as though he should be counting the years on his fingers for the day Phil brings home a girlfriend, or leaves home for university. What would Daniel do then? He would perch daily on his best friend's bed willing for his return, only ever finding out how much longer it was for his arrival through eavesdropping on Phil's parents.

Phil's eyes fell against his friend, watching his nose twitch upwards and his lips burn together. He'd been doing this quite often, recently. He waved his hand through his best friend, watching Dan's eyes fall into his as he chuckled, shaking his head away. Phil was having none of it. He turned off the television and lifted his feet onto the sofa, turning his body towards Dan, "What is it?" he asked with concern weaved into his tone.

"Nothing." Dan attempted to dismiss, but Phil's eyes wouldn't budge, "Please," he sighed, "It's nothing I want to talk about." they didn't have secrets when they were little; another sign they were growing old and aging apart. The Lester boy didn't like it.


"Yeah?" he replied.

"I was thinking we write a blog. You know, like the other supernatural ones we've come across on the computer? Only, we wouldn't be sharing our encounters with spirits...well, I wouldn't be. You're a spirit, of course. But, I think we should teach everyone instead. Let them know there's nothing to be afraid of. We'd write it as though we were teaching my parents-" he began to nervously ramble.

"I'd like that." the corner of Dan's lip grinned as his head nodded, "I think it's an amazing idea. Do you know how to?"

"Not really, but we've been learning about making websites in class. I'm sure I could soon." he chuckled under Dan's stare, noticing the way his eyes burnt proudly against his face, lighting his cheeks up in flames, "Stop staring at me like that!"

"Like what?" he spurted out in laughter, turning his darkening cheeks away.

"Like you keep doing! It's weird!" he grinned, intent on getting his best friend to turn back.

"You can't say anything, you do it as well!" Dan squealed.

Phil's lips parted, "No I don't!"

"I'd get a camera and prove it if I wasn't dead." he snorted, crossing his arms and pushing his back further through the couch

Phil furrowed his eyebrows, "You don't think I'd be able to photograph you, do-" he cut his words off when Katherine stepped into the room, glancing towards him with her tiring face and exhaustion pressed into her glare. He saw Dan twist around in response, looking at her as she looked through him towards her son.

"Hey, Mum." Phil pathetically greeted. Like his and Dan's relationship had changed since the night the Lesters went through their grandma's boxes, Phil's had with his mother, albeit striking coldness through the conversation and leaving them with bitter tastes in their mouths as they spoke. They loved each other, of course, but it was full of misunderstandings and fear, both holding more control over the other than they realised, while feeling hopelessly lost.

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