十 - 𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓸𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓹𝓱

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As the brothers returned home, they fell into absolute silence once again, the only sound surrounding them was the whistle of the wind against the bare trees. Phil couldn't quite place how he felt. He wanted to laugh, mocking his older brother for even suggesting that he'd fall in love with his best friend, let alone a boy. But, his fists also burnt by his sides as he held his arms straight downwards, his cheeks puffing out with each breath. Who did Martyn think he was? The younger boy was struck with offense, although he tried to convince himself there was no need to be.

He scurried indoors once they arrived, ushering for Dan to follow him up the stairs into their bedroom, his back falling against the door once they were both inside. Dan furrowed his eyebrows, running his tongue over his lips as he quietly questioned Phil's state. The lighter-haired boy sighed, finally turning his chin upwards to catch the concerned stare of his friend, "What's wrong?" Dan finally asked.

Silence settled between them as Phil fumbled over the answer. He couldn't give a straight-up, honest response, or at least he felt it inappropriate to. Instead, he let a feeble smile peel the corner of his lip upwards as he shrugged, "He was just talking to me about Mum. Don't worry."

Dan knew his best friend better than he knew anything else. He didn't have much to concern himself over, or the ability to discover new interests, and those that he did find were along Phil's side. His entire life had been about Phil and would be for as long as he could foresee, therefore when a lie fell against his best friend's tongue, he could notice it easier than he'd notice the colour of his eyes changing. He stepped towards the boy against the door, intently glaring at him as he wondered how to writhe his way to the truth, "We didn't keep secrets when we were young." he eventually sighed, his eyes sinking to the floor between them.

"Dan!" Phil gasped, "It's not...it's not like that. Please..." but he didn't know what he was asking for.

"What is it like, then?" Dan snapped, "Why do you keep hiding things from me?" the spirit wondered what else could be being hidden, growing evermore fearful of losing his only friend.

"Fine!" Phil gave in, "If you really want to know, my brother thinks I'm falling in love with you." he fell to the carpet below himself, "Happy now? Is that what you wanted-?"

"Why didn't you just tell me that?" Dan questioned, "That's absurd!" his eyes squinted as he shook his head, "Does he know I'm a boy? Boys can't fall in love with each other."

Phil bit his lips between his teeth, stifling an amused giggle. There were other things that had accentuated the fact that Dan grew up in the mid 1900s as they spent their time together over the years, but this was the first that was as wrong as Dan telling Phil the sky was green. A laugh slipped through as he grinned, shaking his head with his arms flung over his knees, "Boys can fall in love."

"Not like a man and woman can." Dan stated. He watched Phil's gentle face remain unchanged as the trickles of doubt began to seep in, "Can't they?"

"Dan." Phil warmly smiled, offering a seat beside him on the floor, "Anyone can love anyone."

"But..." the spirit took the seat, darting his eyes around, "That would make someone a faggot."

Phil nervously glanced away, "Don't use that word. We say gay. It's alright to be gay, people shouldn't mind." Dan smiled to himself, looking at his hands between his lap.


The two twelve-year-old boys began their blog the same week, deciding to update every week with new information. It was their own little project, hoping it will help another child feel less lonely in the world. At least Dan and Phil had each other.

My Spirit Love (phan)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin