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"Hey Asahi" you said as you sat on the desk in front of your boyfriend"Y-yes y/n" Asahi got startled and a little blushy over your sudden movement

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"Hey Asahi" you said as you sat on the desk in front of your boyfriend
"Y-yes y/n" Asahi got startled and a little blushy over your sudden movement

you have been dating for few months but he's still getting flustered by you whenever you hold hands or give him a kiss he turns into a new shape of red which makes him more cute

And it's actually the same for you whenever he is intimate with you or does a loving gesture you turn into another shade of red

And boy oh boy do the volleyball boys love teasing you two to see your red faces

But the more you hung out together the more you two got used to this and so the blushing calmed down a little

But still you couldn't help but blush thinking of the question you're about to ask

"I want to as you something" you said as you played with the end of your shirt
"Of course y/n what is it?" He reached his hand to hold yours as he felt how anxious you were
"My parents will be out of town and because they know you they wanted me to ask you if you umm could spend the night with me" you tucked your hair behind your ear as you slowly looked up to see his expression and as always he had this sweet smile that made you love him and that makes you love him more and more whenever you see him smile like that
"Will this be ok with you y/n? I mean will you be comfortable with me staying the night?" You nodded shyly "yes I will be" and with your answer his smile got even wider
"Ok then after my practice let's go to my house to get some stuff then we will go to yours"
"Ok, I'll go to class now see you later" you kissed his cheek before running out of class


Today you were able to finish your club activities early so you were able to catch Asahi practicing and taking videos of him while trying to hide it so no one could tease you about it but unfortunately Suga noticed
"Hey Ace try to look cool for your girlfriend she's filming you" Suga nudged Asahi and pointed at you Asahi blushed a little "let's put a show on for her and do the back attack" Suga smiled at Asahi's proposal and the two boys gathered their team to practice it

And so you were setting on the bench still taking a video of your boyfriend when you saw them all move at the same time your eyes widened because you never saw them do this before you were positive that the ball was going to Tanaka but then your boyfriend came from behind and slammed the ball as hard as he could to the other side you gasped and jumped from your seat you had your hand over your mouth and your eyes were sparkling you were so amazed by what just happened and Asahi turned to your direction and winked at you before he continued with his practice


"Asahi you were amazing today and this spike you did you came from behind and whoosh I didn't expect this at all you're really amazing Ace" you winked at him at the last word your smile was so wide and as was Asahi's, you were walking hand and hand on your way to your house after going to Asahi's to get clothes

"Well i noticed that my beautiful girlfriend was filming me so I thought of giving her something worth filming" Asahi put his hand around your shoulders pulling you close to him with a smirk on his face
"You saw me?" You hid your face in his chest and you heard him laugh
"It's ok you make me happy with your support you know"
"I will always support you no matter what you're my ace" you wrapped your arms around his body as you walked together he loved your warmth so much and he was thankful because you couldn't see the blush on his face

After few minutes of walking you two arrived at your house you opened the door and moved for Asahi to go in first then you went in, you both threw your bags in a corner "go take a shower and I'll prepare the dinner"
"You sure you don't want help?"
"No I am ok don't worry" Asahi nodded he gave you a kiss on your temples before he headed to the bathroom with his clothes

You walked to the kitchen and started making Asahi his favorite ramen few moments have passed when you suddenly felt two giant arms surrounding your waist Asahi rested his chin on your head and he pressed you against him more taking all your warmth and you were more than happy to be in his arms
"mhmm it smells delicious"
"Thank you hope it tastes as good as it smells"
"I am sure it does, now go take a shower and let me continue ok?"
"It's already over Asahi go watch something until I change then we'll eat"
"Ok" Asahi gave you a kiss on your temples before letting you go to take a shower

Before you went to the shower you stole one of Asahi's extra shirts that he brought with him deciding to surprise him

After you finished taking your shower you put on him shirt and it reached your knees you thought you looked cute wearing it but you were nervous to what will Asahi think will he like it or hate it or worse what if it didn't matter to him

You decided to push these thoughts away it was just a shirt so why were you overthinking it that much you put away your school uniform and you hang Asahi's uniform as well and you went downstairs

Asahi had prepared the table for you two he was setting the last dish when he heard your footsteps on the floor when he looked up he didn't think you'd be wearing his shirt his eyes widened as you walked towards him and his face got too red you never saw his face got this red before

He stayed silent for few minutes and you started feeling insecure maybe he hated it
"I am sorry I knew this was a bad idea I'll change" he quickly grabbed your arm still red faced
"NO" He shouted quickly your eyes widened then he continued " look cute" now it was your face's turn to get red
"Really you love it on me?" Asahi nodded
"Yes keep wearing my shirts you look sexy in them" now you were sure that your face haven't been this red before the shy Asahi was replaced with a bold one as he pulled you quickly into a kiss his soft lips always made you melt and this kiss was never like his regular kisses it was heated

After few minutes you both parted away panting for air as you two forgot to breath
"Now let's go eat dinner before I get too carried away" he whispered in your ear his heated breath on your ear sent shivers down your spine he kissed your cheek before heading to the table with pulling you with him

"Hey Asahi I have an idea"
"Hmm" Asahi lifted his head to look at you instead of his plate
"Let's binge rewatching attack on titan and stay up all night" (aot is my favorite soo you know i had to do it)
"But cuddling to sleep sounds nicer don't you think?" Asahi knew that once you had a crazy idea like this you will do it you did it before with anime movies so you can easily do it again with an anime series so he had to talk you out of it
"But cuddling while watching attack in titan sound nicer plus you only saw it once you need to see it more often"
"But y/n we need to get good sleep"
"Asahi you never stay over for the night so i don't want to miss any minute without you please Asahiii pleasee" you showed him your puppy which he cannot say no to
"Fine y/n anything for you"
"Yaay" you wrapped your arms around Asahi's neck and pulled him into a hug

After dinner you and Asahi cuddled on your bed and you started the first episode of the anime
"Asahi baby don't fall asleep ok"
"You too y/n"
"I can never it's my favorite anime and i can never sleep mid watching it"

You can say you talked too soon because as the clock hit 2 am you were fast asleep leaving Asahi to be awake alone he chuckled when he saw you asleep and turned off the anime he took few photos and videos of you so he could tease you about it the next day

Then he kissed you temples and whispered goodnight to you before he drifted to a deep sleep
I wrote half of this mid class hehe hope you enjoyed the fluff even though I think it was so messy lol
Another update because of the angst chapter

Asahi Azumane oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang