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Based on the song shiver by lucy rose

Based on the song shiver by lucy rose

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A camera click followed by a hit of flash and a "sorry" came out as a whisper followed by a giggle that was like music to your ears

Your feet were touching the water the sunset was right behind you and with the way your hair was moving along with the wind and the smile on your face Asahi couldn't help but ask to take a picture of you because he wanted to save that memory along with more different memories before and more to come

"Now your turn" you ran to him and snitched his phone away from his hand, you admired how ethereal he looked with the sunset his hair his outfit his small smile and the love he had in his eyes for you

And you wished you could have frozen this moment forever

A sigh has left your mouth when you took the next photo in your hand it was a polaroid from the same day you were leaning on his chest and you had your arms wrapped around him and he had his free arm holding you close to him with grins and much love on both your faces

You wish for this day to come back

You wished for both of you to stay this happy

You wished for his passionate kisses again, for his surprising hugs, for his smile, his laugh, you wished for your cuddles again

You wished to feel his touch again

But you both made bad choices

Said the wrong words in the heat of the moment

Cried all night

Slept in different places

Stopped talking for days which turned into weeks

Hurt each other more than you loved each other

So you agreed to break up

Gathering your things and moving out your stuff was one of the hardest thing to do or so you thought

The last hug, the last touch, the what happened to us, the last goodbye, and the last tears you spilt for each other

That was the hardest part

Even after years from your break up you still cry when you see your memories with Asahi, you still feel sad when you see him happy with his partner, and even though you have moved on with another one you still think about Asahi

And that's cheating you know but Asahi was the love of your life but you ruined it

You wished you could leave him for Asahi
You wished you could take back the bad choices
You wished you could take back the wrong words
You wished you could take back the fights and the tears
You wished you could be happy with Asahi again

And he wishes the same

But this was life there was no gene to make your wishes come true
This is life and you have to continue on living with regret

But this was life there was no gene to make your wishes come true This is life and you have to continue on living with regret

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