Karasuno's Ace

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"And so for this assignment you'll have to work on the collection you designed the last assignment but with a model there are girls who participated to model for us and I assigned a girl for each of you do the clothes make a photoshoot and show me the results, after I show you the model you work with the class is dissmessed"

Asahi massaged his temples knowing how hard this is going to be a hard time for him, he didn't have to add these crazy two sketches to the last assignment but he did and now he'll be stuck trying to perfect them.

Hearing his name he got up to meet the model he'll work with only to be met with a very familiar face "f/n l/n will be your model Azumane I am looking forward to seeing your results" Asahi was then sure of who she was when he heard her name it was her the second year girl he had a crush on from Karasuno

She has changed not alot but she sure grew up well it's been three years since he saw her, he wasn't her friend or anything they only said hi to each other whenever they met in the hallway she wasn't very social but she always had a nice aura around her, she was known for being kind and sweet and she liked to keep her friends circle small but that didn't stop her from saying hi or talking to more people

And because of this Nishinoya the only one who knew about his crush on y/n tried to make him talk to her or ask her out but don't get Asahi wrong he wasn't shy or anything he just thought it was a casual crush and you might be a little scared of him because of the rumors of course so he thought he'll just keep it to himself and focus on volleyball

So Asahi stretched his arm to her before he started talking "I don't know if you remember me but we went to Karasuno together I'm"
But before he could say more you interrupted him "Asahi Azumane Karasuno's Ace how can I forget you it's surprising that you still remember someone like me" you shook his hand and smiled at him and so he returned the smile and it was so sweet just like you remember it from highschool

"How can I forget you? you were very sweet with everyone"
"Well I am happy that you still remember me and looks like you're doing good here too so a designer huh? Never thought you would be into that"
"Well I guess you say that because of the rumors I get that alot" he scratched the back of his head from embarrassment and you noticed his cheeks took a pink shade
"No no not at all I just thought you'd continue with volleyball that's all"
"Oh well I wasn't the best at it, it was a hobby and I am glad to be a part of it but you know I had to move on eventually"
"Well I thought you were the best, your spikes were always amazing and that back attack oh my god I still remember it"
"Oh haha you still remember that" another pink shade took over his cheeks this time it was a little darker you noted in your brain that Asahi seems to be not able to take compliments and it made him so damn cute
"Yeah I still do and I am glad you found your passion in life"
"Enough about me, what about you? What are you doing now?"
"I am actually an artist I take art classes"
"Oh and what brought you here if you don't mind me asking?"
"I umm I actually wasn't planning to sign to be a model but my friend signed it for me and now I am glad she did" you felt your cheeks sting a little so after all these years you still have a crush on him

"Do you mind if we went to my place to get your measurements"
"Yeah it's fine"
"My apartment is close by so we'll walk there"
"Oh it must be nice having your apartment close to your college"
"Yeah it is even though it's not that big it's a little expensive but my small business makes it easy to pay for the rent"
"Oh my god you already have a business"
"It's not that big I do customed orders and sometimes sell original pieces you know I have to start somewhere so I decided why not now and it helps with the rent, food and the rest"
"That's amazing Asahi san, you're so hard working"
"Well I won't say that but thank you"

The rest of the walk was silent but it was a comforting one you enjoyed being with the still very tall man and you even liked how his hair looks like now and how he dressed up and what you didn't know is that Asahi was thinking the same thing how cute you still look how your hair looks perfect and how small you are next to him

You both were deep into thoughts that Asahi realized that you both arrived so he opened the door for you

"Do you want something to drink?" Asahi said walking to the kitchen but you stopped him
"How about you take my measurements then you can drink sometime?"
"Sounds good to me, come with me then" you stood up and followed him to what you assumed is his work room as it was filled with different fabrics, a sewing machine and too many sketches

"Sorry I wasn't expecting someone so I didn't clean up properly"
"It's ok it's a sign of hard work"
"Come stand here please I got the measurement tape" as Asahi was measuring your height and writing down in a note you decide to kill time by talking plus he will get too close to you so you needed a distraction because you have never thought that Karasuno's ace could get any better looking but there he is 

"So you don't make your hair into a bun anymore?" You slapped yourself mentally immediately you wanted a distraction from the way he looks but you ask him about his hair

"Well there are days I make it into a bun and days that I feel like letting it be you know"
"Yeah I get you" his hands moved around your body to measure your waist and his finger accidentally touched you which sent shivers down your spine and heat started to over take your face but he didn't seem to notice it because he himself was trying to hide the blush on his face from being so close to you

He sighed when he noticed that what's left is your chest side and he made sure to not accidentally touch you while doing so, so you won't get a wrong idea

He got closer to you to get his measurement while not making eye contact at all but you couldn't help but look at his now red face ignoring the heat that overcame your face as well

"Asahi san" you whispered enough for him to hear it and look at you
"Yes y/n" he stared at your eyes while you stared at his drowning in them almost losing track of time
"N..nothing it's nothing"
"Y/n do you have a boyfriend?" Asahi said not breaking eye contact with you
"Because I really want to kiss you right now" his boldness made your face turn red in seconds you never in million years thought that Asahi could be this bold his eyes were drifting between your eyes and your lips he looked so calm while you thought that your heart might explode any minute now, he kept the distance between you two but his eyes seemed to be hungry for your lips and seeing that you nodded shyly because you too were hungry for his lips

Having your approval Asahi slowly closed the distance between you two kissing you softly and slowly you two finally having your highschool fantasy coming true

Asahi deepened the kiss he pulled you closer by your waist while your fingers ran through his hair out of breath you both pilled away with a wide smile

"How about instead of a drink I take you out tonight?"
"I'd love that Asahi"

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