Happy birthday Asahi (request)

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I was planning something simple but slow dance in a ball popped an idea in my brain this is a request for perpetuitea

And a special for Asahi's birthday
Everyone comment Happy Birthday Asahi♥️

I also made an asahi edit here: https://twitter.com/bobsnk_/status/1344660786225020934?s=19


It's a rare thing to miss Asahi's birthday January first, the first day of the new year and on this day the celebrations are huge not mainly for the new years but because it's the prince's birthday.

The small country would be awake for a week throwing carnivals with different foods, games and there would be plays with toys or people, musicians would be performing music everywhere and sometimes random people would start dancing on the street, the decorations were all over the streets, the music was so loud and the children laughter was filling the air

It was very great

Asahi was never a big fan of him being the prince and having to carry the burden of all those people and the country on his shoulders but his birthday week was the only week that made him happy that he was the prince

Because of him people would forget about their problems for a day and enjoy their time with their families and children

Asahi has been always a very soft and caring person which his father hated because the crown needs someone to be so tough so you can make decisions without feeling bad or guilty which was the total opposite of Asahi

Asahi Azumane was known between people for his kind heart, his love for children, for his people and for his country

He was loved among most of the people and even if there were some who hated him for his too kind heart and saw him not capable of being the next king that didn't stop them from celebrating

Today was the big day Asahi's birthday and because of the that he got up early to do so many fittings for a suit in his opinion luckily this was his last fitting for the day and he got his friends to help him instead

Of course there was a ball today a huge one where the higher ups are invited from the country and even from other countries because Asahi is turning 18 and Asahi wasn't a fan of that especially that there was a bigger crowd this time and he HATED crowd but that wasn't his only problem

"Asahi san you're so lucky not only does all the country celebrate your birthday but you get to dance with a princess this time everyone will be watching you dance together and you might fall in love"
"Noya you know Asahi is nervous about this don't make it worse" Daichi told Noya quickly when he noticed his giant friend flinch

Yes Asahi was too worried about the princess he has to dance with, he knew who she was and what she does in her country and he admired her so much for that but still meeting new people terrified him and not only that he'll have to have your body close to his and this made him even more nervous especially because of his feelings

Yes he never met you before but what he heard about you made his heart beat faster whenever your name was mentioned

"C'mon Asahi we know about your feelings for her you must be excited" Sugawara nudged Asahi on the side a little to hard that Asahi winced in pain
"C'mon guys what if she didn't like me? Or what if i stepped on her feet" Asahi said fixing the buttons on his shirt
"Asahi you have been learning how to dance since you were able to walk I think you will do great" Daichi reassured him
"And why won't she like you you're the prince" Suga glared at Noya as soon as he said that and Noya realized what he said he was about to correct himself but Asahi beat him to it
"I don't want her to like me because I am the prince Noya that's why I am nervous if she will like me I want her to like me for me not for my position"
"I am sure she will like you for you Asahi"
"Yeah it's really hard not to like you when you have this personality don't worry about it"

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