Chapter 3: Where's Hyuga?!

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Uhm, yeah. Also, Valt's outfit in Sparking is AMAZING. Literally, as good and maybe better than the outfit in Chozetsu.

But then there's Gachi/Rise. We don't talk about that.

Chapter START!

After breakfast and training for a bit, Dante and Y/n headed to the stadium to see the preparations for the festival. They stumbled upon Valt, Aiga, and the rest of the other legend friends. "Hey Dante! Hey Y/n!" Valt greeted. Dante raced to see everyone, while Y/n awkwardly stayed a bit behind. Honestly, she's always felt a little out of place whenever the rest of the legends were there, while Dante fit in like a glove.

Free noticed Y/n being uncomfortable, so he gave a small push to Y/n in the direction of the rest of the group. "It'll be better if you join us instead of staying behind..." He rolled his eyes in a lazy manner. Y/n chuckled. She knew Free from being at BC Sol for a while. You see, after the battle with INFERNO, Y/n was asked to be trained at BC Sol for a bit, so Y/n and the rest of the Victories parted ways.

The entire group turned to face Y/n, and she tensed, feeling the pressure on her. But instead of judging stares, they all gave her reassuring grins. She sighed in relief. "-Oh, right! Y/n!" Aiga's smile was the biggest of all. "We haven't battled yet. I really hope we can in the Legends festival."

"R-Right!" She clasped her hands together excitedly. "I hope we can too!" Being guided by Free, she conversed with the rest of the group happily, until she heard a conversation from another room.

"Where the heck did Hyuga go...?" She heard Hikaru's voice.

"The opening ceremony's about to begin!" Raika sounded desperate.

"Did Hyuga disappear...?" She murmured.

"Honcho, you go on." Hikaru told Rantaro. "I'll find Hyuga and meet you there."

"-Why don't we all search together?"

Turns out, Valt had already opened the door to the room. "That way, it'll be faster, right?"

Aiga followed suit and walked to the spot next to him. "Yeah! We'll find him in a flash!"

Dante popped in. "Sheesh, he's seriously a natural at getting lost!"

"Hey Kiyama, maybe you're just a bad teacher?" Silas smirked, and Free also came in.

"I think he's a great teacher!" Y/n appeared behind Valt. "But, I think you guys are giving them a heart attack..."

"Sorry about this, but my student's a troublemaker..." Honcho scratched his head.

"Alright, let's split up and search!" Valt said, and everyone set off in groups.

Dante and a few other boys went off to check the bathroom, so Y/n couldn't tag along. So, she wandered alone amongst the hallways, calling out Hyuga's name. "Hyuga!" She yelled out, but no sound came back. Opening a door, she discovered a trash room, where she heard the soft sound of snoring. "..Huh?"

Looking, she heard the sounds come from heap 2, so she knocked on it. "Hyuga? You in there? I know this sounds stupid, but it sounds like you're inside a trash container..."

"-Y/n?" Hikaru, Valt, and Honcho came into her talking, and she squeaked a sound of surprise.

"H-Hey guys!"

"I heard Hyuga snoring somewhere in this room..." Hikaru came beside her, and he listened to the container. Pressing the eject button, out came Hyuga, inside a bag made for trash. "Hyuga...was inside a trash bag this whole time? Huh?" Y/n was confused.

"Maybe the trash robot thought that Hyuga was trash..." Honcho said out loud.


"I didn't mean it that way, I promise!"

Hyuga woke up from the noise. "...Morning...?"

"Hyuga! What were you even thinking?!" Hikaru scolded him.

"You know the opening ceremony is about to begin, right...?" Valt noted.

"Oh shoot." Y/n grabbed Hyuga and picked him up. "We have to get to the stadium. The others should already be there by now."

"Here, let me." Honcho took Hyuga from Y/n. "We should get going."

"Right!" The group ran as fast as they could to the stadium entrance, praying that they would make it in time.


I bid you goodbye for now. -Bows in a weird way because I'm weird and I should really stop typing now so uhm-


Beyblade Burst Sparking Protags x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora