An explanation of me being gone for so long

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Well, this is awkward... 

Hey guys- I'm back- And I have an explanation for my disappearance, and I'm really really sorry. 

So, at one point one day, I logged out of my wattpad account because my friend wanted to log into hers so she could add a book to her library. I let her, and then I realized that I forgot my password. My friend panicked, and we tried to remember my password without realizing I could get it from the email. And while I went for a second to go to the bathroom, my friend...decided to tell my parents- And they did NOT take this well. I never told my friend that my wattpad account was secret, so there's no blame to her at all, but my parents literally only let me have discord. Just discord. So they forced me to stop doing wattpad and blocked it from my computer, my phone, my everything, because they thought that I was talking with some 40 year olds or something (Which I was NOT.). I had no way to contact anyone, because all I had was wattpad. 

So, to be honest...I just kinda stopped writing. It was horrible, just sitting there and not having any inspiration to write because I wasn't allowed to interact with you guys. 

But thankfully, yesterday, another friend of mine (Who also has wattpad but it's on the mcyt side of it) decided to ask her parents who were fine with wattpad to tell my parents about it, and they let me join back under the condition that I limit my interactions. 

And it's been a while. 

I'm not going to lie, I've just been living life and I never expected being able to come back here. I've done a little writing these days, but I want to plan out a full fantasy story someday.

I'm afraid I won't be as active as before, and that I won't update my chapters that much (My oneshot book is definitely going to be deleted sometime or closed). It's just been a while and it's so weird coming back here. Just wanted to leave this here, and again, I'm really sorry. I just left you guys without a word. 

And this is the weirdest chapter I've ever done, and I know you guys deserve a better explanation than this. There's nothing really else I can say, and I don't expect forgiveness or anything. I just left you guys. 

I have a friend who had to close down her account because of her own parents, and she's just having fun nowadays. I believe some older accounts may know her, but her name was Kris and she wrote about beyblade too. She just moved on, and I'm not going to lie, I hate how she didn't try to come back and nor did she look back. But then again, what could she do? She wasn't allowed to come back. So I just didn't try like her and pretended it was all just a dream. And now that I've been able to be like this again I don't feel like it's right. I don't feel like I deserve anything that you've given me, because there are people who've messaged me and asked me to come back and I didn't.

And to scroll down on my conversations tab and to see the first thing is a check up letter on me made me feel like crying- because someone decided that I should have one. Eh, it's small, but it feels important to me. 

I'm just going to apologize over and over again and I don't care if you guys tell me to stop or not, I'm just gonna keep doing it whether people think it was a big deal or not. Because it was a big deal to me and I just disappeared without a trace. And I'm sorry. 

But I also missed you guys a lot. 



I'm sorry, and I hope I'll get the motivation to publish another chapter. I loved this story a lot, and I want to continue it. Thank you for reading and thank you for the support.

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