Chapter 2: Sweet Dreams and New Friends!

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Geez, I'm shoving these chapters out like lightning.


Chapter START!

Dante had pressured Y/n into coming to eat with him, settling on a small restaurant on a hill with a beautiful view of the ocean. Y/n ate her spaghetti politely and happily, while Dante practically consumed it. All of a sudden, a group of kids walked in the restaurant, two of them being Hikaru and Hyuga Asahi.

"DANTE KORYU!" The redhead pointed straight at Dante and Y/n. They both looked over from their food. "What are you doing here at our house?!"

"This is your house?" Y/n swallowed her spaghetti before speaking. "The spaghetti here is amazing!"

"Of course it is! It's the world's best!"

Dante had a meatball before asking, "By the way, who are you two again?"

'I'm Hikaru Asahi, and this is Hyuga Asahi." They introduced themselves.

"I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you." Y/n waved.

"Nice to meet you too!" Hyuga replied.

"Wait. You guys are the Asahi Brothers? Man, I seriously looked all over for you!" Dante exclaimed.

"So did we!"

Before they could talk any longer, the brother's dad brought over mouthwatering plates of food. "These look delish!" Y/n gushed.

"Thank you for the food!" They all said together, and chomped down.

Later on, they met together at the Bombers, where Dante challenged the both of them for a battle. Hyuga ultimately lucked out, letting him battle Dante first, while Hikaru sulked in defeat.

"Hey, it's ok Hikaru!" Y/n patted his arm. "We can battle instead."

"-Really?" He lit up, grabbing both of her shoulders and shaking them. "You would do that?!"

"Mhm." Y/n was already used to Dante doing all sorts of crazy things, so she was used to it.

"Thank you!" His grin brightened the entire room, and they went to a second stadium to battle against each other.

The day ended up being a lot of fun. Y/n won a lot, while Hikaru won sometimes as well. In his first try, Hyuga actually beat Dante, which erupted a lot of giggles on Y/n's side. Though Dante mostly dominated Hyuga, though.

In the end, Dante and Hyuga fell asleep, and Y/n was forced to carry Dante home, but not without getting Hikaru's number first. They entered their shared room, and she let Dante on his bed before collapsing on hers. "Phew...that took a while..." Moving from her position, she turned around to look at Dante's peaceful figure. "You know, you cause me a lot of stress sometimes...Good thing you're cute, I guess..."

Standing up, Y/n went over to slip a blanket over Dante, when she heard a low murmur. "Y/n...please come..."


In a split second, Dante had pulled Y/n onto the bed, in a way that his head was buried in her chest. Y/n bloomed red, but didn't move. "D-Dante..."

Mumbling words that Y/n didn't understand, he inched closer to her. Y/n found, even though her heart was beating very fast, that it was warm and soothing, causing her to fall asleep quickly.

The next day, Dante woke up to a sleeping Y/n cuddled next to him. His eyes widened, and he jumped out of bed with a shocked expression. Rubbing his eyes and looking again, he saw the same scene.

"U-Uh..." He drowned off.

Meanwhile, Y/n was having sweet dreams, all about candy and whatever innocent things a person could dream about. Though she was shivering from a loss of warmth. "C-Cold..." She said in her sleep.

Dante's eyes softened, and he shook Y/n awake. "Hey, Y/n..."

Suddenly, she fluttered awake, and sat up only to accidentally almost knock into Dante. "Eep!"

"-Y/n, you're awake?"

"I mean, you did shake me awake, so..." She quietly laughed.

"Right. But's the day of the Legends Festival you know."

"-WHAT?!" Shooting up from her place in (Dante's) bed, she ran to put on the clothes she picked out. Dante decided to go dress as well. A few minutes later, Y/n came out fully dressed. Y/n spun in her lavender knee-length sleeveless dress, paired with a black leather jacket going to her waist. She wore black sneakers with a white sole. It was different from her normal outfits, more confident and outgoing. Immediately when Dante saw her outfit, his face heated up, and he struggled to find words to say. "U-Uh- I-It looks really cute on you, Y/n!"

 "Cute?" She shyly looked to the side. "Thanks, Dante..."

"No problem!"

"-W-We should go have breakfast, and get ready for the festival."

 "Ok!" Dante nodded, and the two of them went off to prepare for the day.


I decided that I'm going to push out shorter chapters, because it takes so long to painstakingly write and edit all this. The writing part's fun, but not the editing. -_-


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