Chapter 11

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(Now we come to Bloom.)
"Ugh, that hurt more than I anticipated."Bloom said rubbing the back of her head. She stood up noticing she was in some kind of cage. "They think this would stop me, it's not even made out of vengestone."Bloom said examining the bars. She found there was a whole for the key. Luckily she was a master at things like this. She lifted up her sleeve she noticed she still had the watch of time. "Good, they haven't figured it out yet I still have time to get the golden weapons, and destroy them all."Bloom said. She took out a pin from under her sleeve and started to bend it into the shape of the lock she had made an identical copy of the key without even an imprint of the original key. She put it into the lock it worked she never doubted it but was glad it worked. The door creaked open. She stepped out checking behind every corner. This place was deserted, how stupid could these snakes be? "Where would the weapons be?"Bloom mumbled to herself.
She went around a corner and there were snakes she quickly hid behind the corner before they saw her. The snakes walked and were about to turn the corner when someone, Garmadon shouted. They ran to find him and Bloom let out a big sigh. "Maybe I should contact the others, they could help." "No they would just mess it up, you have to do this alone Bloom."she mumbled to herself. Wait, those snakes were going to "Garmadon." Bloom whispered. She began to slowly follow the snakes. They went into the room and Bloom waited trying to hear their conversation. "What isss it Garmadon?"a snake asked.
"It's that stupid watch, I can't make the mega weapon until I have IT!!!"Shouted Garmadon.
The snakes looked confused.
"But you already have the watch."A snake replied.
"YOU FOOLS, LEAVE ME AT ONCE!!!"Garmadon shouted. The snakes ran out of the room leaving Garmadon to smash and break things. This was Bloom's chance. She snuck in the weapons were in the corner of the room. Garmadon was distracted so she could grab them and get out of there. She tiptoed past Garmadon trying her best not to make noise. She reached for the weapons when Garmadon saw her in the reflection of a sword. "So this was your plan, galaxy ninja?"Garmadon asked. She quickly grabbed the weapons. "Wow your smarter than I give you credit for."Bloom replied.
"I didn't know you could posses all of the golden weapons."Garmadon added.
"Yeah well I can, now I am going to leave."Bloom said stepping towards the exit.
"Not so fast." Garmadon said.
"Do you really want to fight me? Especially when I have the weapons."Bloom added.
"I have no intentions on fighting you, I just want to see who's hiding behind that mask."Garmadon said. (Yeah Bloom had her mask/hood on the whole time.)
"Why?"Bloom asked.
"I think I know who you are."Garmadon replied. Bloom didn't say anything. "You seem to know who I am."Garmadon added. Bloom looked uncomfortable. She knew exactly who this man was, he was one of the reasons her father turned evil in the first place. He noticed she was thinking and removed her hood/mask. "Bloom? Ah my suspicions were correct."Garmadon said.
"Yeah, now you know it's me I guess I don't have to hold back anymore."Bloom said.
"I thought you were..."Garmadon said.
"Dead."Bloom interrupted. Garmadon looked both surprised and relieved. "Evil lord Gardmadon has a heart after all, if you weren't Lloyd's father I would kill you right now."Bloom said.
"You're the reason Lloyd is getting stronger."Garmadon said, angrily. She tried to attack him but she reacted too late he strangled her and the weapons fell out off her hands. She struggled for breath. "Now why can't anyone touch the watch?"Garmadon asked. Bloom didn't answer. "Your so stupid."Bloom said, gasping for breath. Garmadon threw her to the ground. Garmadon bent down to her. "You will tell me eventually."Garmadon said.
"You should have called for help when you had the chance."Garmadon whispered into her ear.

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