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When Wendy came back home, she plopped onto the sofa with a sigh. "How was school, my darling?" Her mother asked, entering the living room. "Well... I got the roll of Sally! So it was good, I guess! Rehearsals start Tuesday," She said enthusiastic. She decided not to tell her about Peter. It would be weird!

"That's good! "

Wendy decided to go to the shop-et by her house since she finished her home work in home room. She hummed well working her way down the aisle of snacks. "Wendy!" She turned to see Ariel and smiled. "Hi!" Ariel walked over. "Guess what?" Wendy hummed in response. Ariel leaned in and whispered. "I like Jim!" Wendy smiled wide and clapped her hands. "Yes! Oh my goodness, yes! I stand! We are telling the girls!"  She wiped out her phone but Ariel stopped her. Wendy gave the red head a weird look and Ariel sighs.

"I kind of wanna talk to you about it first?" it came out like a question more than a statement. Wendy smiled comfortingly and nodded, urging her to spill her heart out if needed. Ariel took a deep breath and ranted.

"Well, Since I know you and Jim are buddies and stuff I wanted to you so yeah and Jim is just really self reserved and quiet but he seems like a protective big brother when he is with you to me and I really like his personality and he's so-wow! You know?" She panted at the end as she finished her rant and Wendy mentally giggles at it. "Well, if you ask me, I see Jim looking at you in the mornings and at lunch so that is a good sign that he likes you as well!"

Ariel smiles widely. "You think so?" She squealed. Wendy chuckles. "Now we tell the girls?" Ariel nodes. "Yes!"

Wendy texted the group chat and shut off her phone.  "After you pay for your stuff, can I ask you about something?" Ariel asks. Wendy slowly nods, a tad confused. After paying for BBQ Lays and Hersey bar, they sat on a bench in the neighborhood park. "Ask away." Wendy encourages. "Was that really blush of embarrassment, Wens?" Wendy froze. Ariel smiles mischievously. "Uh....Yes?" Ariel gasps. "IT WASN'T! EEEE! But when Peter was looking at you during lunch? Oooooh!"



"PAN! DUDE!" I snap out of it as Ruffio caught my attention as we wait in the lunch line. "What?" He smirks. "So. You're Jack for the play so you have to kiss Wendy- I mean Sally?" I feel my face flush and he laughs at that. "Shut up dude! Can I ask you something?" He chuckles but still nods. "Who invented the whole school to my house?" He rose a brow, puzzled. "You did?" Now I was puzzled. "Me? No! Wait, how did I invite you then?" We stepped up as the line moved. "From your insta dude!"

I looked at him. "You can do that?" He facepalms with a sigh. "Yeah!" I thought for a second. "Wait, so someone hacked my account?!" He shrugged. "It would have to be someone form the school who's a student. Adults don't wanna do pranks." We scoff at the thought of growing up. "But then who would do that?" I ask as we grab our trays along with some food. "I don't know. Who doesn't like you?" He asks as we start walking out of the line. "No one comes to mind, bro!"

I space out as we pass Wendy's table and I eye her a bit when she doesn't notice. I slightly smirk at the thought of me and Wendy kissing now. She'd be all flushed and her cheeks would be as red as Ariel's hair! "Not even Wendy?" That is when I snap back to reality, some how sitting with the lost boys who are fighting over who the best super hero from DC are. Batman for sure!

I felt a sting in my chest as the words crashed into my hearing. "What? She might run away from me and scold me and push me away and trash talk me and punch me but OH MY DIS, SHE HATES ME!" I slam my head into the table. "So, she is a possible suspect!" I sat up. "How would she even been able to do that tho-" I cut my self of as a theory popped in my head. 

The party. The one where I actually invited the school. I lost my phone. And I know I had it before I kissed Wendy. And I had it after Wendy found it. But what if she didn't find it? "UUUh! She took it after I kissed her." I facepalm. 

Ruffio shook his head before biting into his turkey sandwich from home. I groan and eat my grilled cheese. I put a determined expression on with my signature smirk and look at Wendy from across the lunch room. She'll get what's comin' to her sooner or later. I sigh dramatically with a smile and shrug. "Oh well! You know what'll happen." I wink and he smirks. "You're not gonna-"
           "Oh yes I am," I replied. He laughs and we fist bump. 


Wendy tilted her head, confused. "What do you mean?" Ariel stopped. "Girl. You're joking right?" Wendy shook her head, but still having a smile smile on her face. "Bro! Peter was eyeing you while you were drinking your choco milk! You blind person!" Wendy groaned. "I mean I don't want to love him but I do! I hate it! I hate him! Yes, I hate him! I have to!" She tried to convince her self.

Key word: tried

She got flash backs of them walking to school on her first day, him laughing, him being genuinely nice and friendly (but not to friendly) to her, for example when the were in the library. She smiled to her self, warmth crawling to her cheeks. "What ever you say, Wendy!" Ariel sighed. Her phone pinged and the red head checked it. She pouts as she puts the phone into her pocket once again. "I got to go. My sisters and I are putting on a singing show for my daddy for his birthday." Ariel rolled her eyes as she started walking away. 

"Bye, Wendy!"

Wendy waved and started walking home her self.

Right after finishing her homework, her brothers and parents were about to leave the house for groceries when the bell rang so her mother opened the door. The teen who was at the door was aloud in. They asked if the could see Wendy and the parentals didn't see why not. 

"Bye, Wendy! We'll be back in two hours! Someone's coming up to your room!" Her father shouted. Wendy zipped her back pack shut and placed it in her desk chair. "Alright!" she called back. Their was a knock at her door and thinking it would be one of the girls, she called them in, now sitting on her bed reading The Lighting Thief, head barely peeking out from behind it. 

"What are you reading, Darling?"

She tensed then sighed, placing the book down, bookmark in. "What is it Peter?" He smirked, as usual. "Do you know who invited the whole school to my house?" She mentally smirked but covered up her smugness with fake confusion. She tilted her head and raises one brow. "Didn't you send Instagram invitations to everyone?" He waved a finger. "But alas, I did no such thing! Meaning that someone must of hacked into my account!" She shook her head while looking to the side "What does this have to do with me?" He rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "Don't lie to me, Darling! I know it was you!" Wendy shrugged with her hands in the air. "Convince me!" He tilted his head with an exasperated "Fine." and stepped in front of her, kneeling down to her seating height (it's a short bed). Before she could back away or question what he's doing, he garbs her wrist and pins her down. 

"What the heck, Peter?" He smirks. "I'm not gonna stop or leave until you answer me!" He answers in a sing-song voice. He places a hand by her ribs and, "No,  Peter! Almost anything but that! Please-" tickles the flip out of her. She starts squirming and rolling around with laughter as he tickles her. He enjoys the control he has, and all by just tickling her! "Oh- Oka-kay sTOP! I c-can barely breeaath!" He doesn't stop. "Are you gonna tell me?" She nods while laughing that adorable laugh he loves. Peter stops and she catches her breath, still on her back. She sits up and looks him in the eyes. "I did." Right after she finished that tiny sentence she jumped ups, but Peter catches her by the waist and puts her back on her waist. "I'm gonna kill you!"

He starts tickling in more ticklish spots and tickles her until he can't even hear her laughter. After ten more minutes of that, she can barely feel her stomach and her cheeks. She warily sits up and weakly hits Peter's shoulder. "I- I hate you, Pan." He smiles. "Oh, I love you too!" He jumps up and goes down stairs. Since she assumes Peter's leaving, she doesn't follow him. But only after five more minutes of not hearing the door close, she walks down each level until she reaches the kitchen. 

She gives Peter a "really?" face as she sees the boy with a chocolate stuffed mouth. He looks at her with the look a five year old gives their mother when they got caught drawing on the walls. "Wha'?"


Wendy and Peter (Modern day story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang