Chapter 5: Lunch Drama

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Before I could respond to the news, the bell rang and over the speakers were the words, "Wendy Darling, COME TO THE OFFICE FOR YOUR SCHEDULE, WENDY DARLING, COME TO THE OFFICE FOR YOUR SCHEDULE! Thank you."

Peter rapped an arm around Tinkerbell and said, "Peace, Darling," while saluting. After they left, I head to the office. When I got there, I went up to the receptionist and said that I was called over the intercom to get my schedule. "Oh, so you're Miss Darling! Here you are, sweetie."
"Thank you Miss...?"
"Oh, all the students call me Miss Silver but you seem nice so you can call me Misty, dear." 
I smiled. "Miss Misty. Thank you, again!"
"Oh no problem. There's a map of the school on the back of your schedule. Have a good day!"

And with that, I slightly bowed my head and went to classroom 257. My homeroom class and my art class. The teacher: Ms. Iridessa, lovely name if you ask me. I slowly opened the door to see other students reading. At least they were until I closed the classroom door.

 "Ah, you must be the new student!"  

I turned my head to the voice's source to see, who am assuming is Ms. Iridessa. She wore a soft orange color sweater dress with a small turtle neck. Her brown hair was neatly tied into a bun. She wore a sweet smile on her face.   

"Yes ma'am, that's me." I smiled back at the petite woman. She lead me to the front of the class and everyone looked up from their books and all eyes focused on me. I sheepishly smiled and blushed as Ms. Iridessa said, "Now, darling. Please share your name and a little about your self," because I'm guessing that she didn't know my last name.

"Um, hi. I'm Wendy Darling," the class quietly laughed as the teacher looked a tad embarrassed. "and I just moved here yesterday from Birmingham. I have two little brothers and my parents aaaaand that's it about my self, i guess." 

"Well, Miss Darling, since this is homeroom, you will be called Miss Darling by me and Darling by your classmates since we have a rule of calling each other by our last names. Now that introduction is over, you will be sitting at the Blue table in the back of the class room," the teacher looked from me and turned to the class, "Blues, raise your hands, please! Thank you!"

A group of students in the back of the classroom, right corner raised their hands and waved at me. One of them being Peter Pan. Great. He boy winked at me and I rolled my eyes playfully at his teasing. 

"Miss Darling, you will be sitting by Mister Pan. Mister Pan, Stand please!" He obeyed "Thank you! Now, you can place your backpack under your chair and Mister Pan can lend you a book to read until another," She looked at the clock. "eight minutes. Now go get reading, Miss Darling." 

With that, she left to her desk while I left to the Blue table. I sat down next to Peter, put my bag under the chair and asked Peter for a book. I read Robin Hood while he read this book called The Boy That Never Grew Up. Interesting. After I read about a third of the book, a timer went off signaling the end of reading time. I'm an advanced reader. I gave better back the book but he insisted that I have it for a while because our class doesn't go to the library for three more days. 

"Everyone start your homework. Miss Darling and Miss Ariel Triton, please come with me," me and a blood red haired girl followed the teacher out of the door. Miss Iridessa was wheeling a cart filled with art projects and a container of thumbtacks. She stopped in front of a board just outside of the class room and told us to start hanging the artwork from the top of the board and make our way down until there is no more art left. The art teacher left and we got started. After hanging up four art pieces in total, the red head said,

"I'm Ariel, by the way. The art homeroom class number one assistant."

"I'm Wendy Darling. The art homeroom class new kid."

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