"See you at lunch Owen and don't break someone's nose, if not I'll break yours. You know I learnt from the best."

"Yeah you did." He says with a smirk before leaving for class.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Emilia, are you and Dylan a thing?" I ask out of the blue in the middle of our conversation.

She suddenly chokes on her meal with a little blush creeping up on her face afterwards.

Vivian chuckles at Em's reaction.

"No, we're not. Were just friends."
"You guys look more than just friends to me though. You like him don't you?" I ask her teasingly.

"I bet she does, even if it's a little crush." Vivian adds.

"Well, um maybe. I don't know." She says, avoiding my eyes.

Poor Owen. I was really shipping for them. But what would be their ship name? Owia? Emen? Emwen?

"Why'd you ask, is it really that obvious? Oh my days, am I being clingy or desperate?" Emilia asks, directing her question to me.

"No, you're not Em. I just asked cause you both seem to be getting along a lot. You're not clingy alright?"

She nods in response with a little cute smile appearing on her face.

"Where are the guys by the way?"

"Jake's at his usual lunch table and I'm sure Skylar's there also, being desperate as always. Dylan and Owen, well no where to be found." Vivian responds before going back to her meal.

I look around and see Jake with some of the guys from soccer and Skylar hanging with them also.

"Hello ladies!" Dylan exclaims taking his seat, while Owen throws his hand straight into my bowl, grabbing almost half of my fries.

"Glutton. You're gonna pay for that."

"You know I won't darling." Yeah, sadly he won't.

"So, what are you guys up to?" Dylan asks.
"Eating lunch, as you can clearly see." Vivian replies bluntly.

His familiar cologne fills my nostrils as I feel him settling right beside me, placing his tray on the table. Heh, take that Skylar.

"So, what brings Jake Alfresco to our little Pentagon?" Owen asks.

"Pentagon?" The four of us say in unison.
"Well look, there's five of us and a pentagon has five sides.."

His explanation earns sighs and glares from the members of our pentagonal squad. He's so corny.

Not saying anything, I turn my attention back to Jake.

"So, why are you here? I'm not complaining or rather we aren't complaining, it's just unusual I guess. Or are you running from Skylar again? Don't make her come here."

"Please, I've had enough of her Jake." Vivian says.
"I still think she's kinda hot." Dylan says.
"Yeah a hot nightmare." Em adds, causing a sound of laughter at the table.

"So?" I ask Jake, still waiting for his reply.

"Well yes, that and..I maybe decided to make your pentagon an hexagon." Jake replies, earning a laugh from Owen alone, while the rest of us just stare.

"Skylar and her minions practically took over our table, flirting with the guys. I had to escape. She probably hasn't noticed I'm gone yet."

"And you aren't interested?" I ask him.

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