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I came down when it was time to go to Jake's house, he said he'll be here in 10 minutes. I see girls are already here for their date with the boys. I hugged them and spoke for some time and Jake came so I had to go leaving them to enjoy.

I had a good date with Jake, he is a sweet boy. He cooked for me, we had a nice time watching movie and as the movie progressed, we started making out. I give it to him; he is a good kisser.

It was almost mid-night when I came back to see Kongpob watching some boring show.

"had a good time Sunshine?"

"yes, it was good, and he knows how to be a gentleman, not like somebody who doesn't know to treat others" I said and went to my room and get freshen up and sleep as I was really tired today.

It's been a week after that date, and we have been chatting and meeting at school having lunch together and I have been skipping our group lunch together and making out whenever we are alone. It's a dream come true for me to date Jake, even though we are not yet official we are almost doing everything couples do.

This weekend my mom will be out of town and my brother will be accompanying her. She asked me too, but I said no as I had date planned with Jake, but I didn't know that even Kongpob is staying.


It was Saturday morning when I woke up and went down to see shirtless Kongpob with apron, he looked sexy and it's hard to ignore him when he comes in front of me like that.

"like what you see sunshine?"

I ignored his teasing and asked "W-what are you preparing?"

"Lily is coming over, so I was preparing lunch for her" he said turning again.

"oh! You can cook? I hope she will be fine after eating the food you made" I said laughing.

"you never tasted my food sunshine. You have no right to judge me" he said and came near me. He was too near to my liking and my heart started beating unevenly fast.

"I don't have to taste to know"

"I'll prepare little extra and make you taste it, then you can judge all you want"

"Sure, do I need to book an appointment with my doctor before tasting?" I joked to which he laughed and said

"we can talk about that later"

I went to my room to complete my pending works before Jake comes here. After finishing my work went near Kong's room and knocked as I forgot to inform him about our date, and I don't want him to get disturbed afterwards if Lily comes.

He took his own time in opening the door and, stood there shirtless and behind him on the bed I can see very messed up Lily. I clearly knocked at the wrong time, but it was hard to stop looking at his shirtless abs.

"Did I disturb something?" I know I did.

"No, tell me?"

Paying Guest | KongArthit | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now