Chapter 1: What the heck Dante?!

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"Welcome, Ms. It was quite a long flight from BC Sol. I assume this is your first time here?"

"No, I've been here before. Thank you for asking-"


"Oops, that's my friend. Thank you for the flight."

"No problem. Have a great stay."

Chapter Start!

"Y/n! You're back!"

"Dante, you've been saying that for the past hour..."

"Yeah, but you are!"


Dante and Y/n were sitting in a car together, waiting to get to the training center for the Legends of Beyblade. "I'm so excited to train with Valt and everyone!" Dante pumped his fist in the air. Y/n laughed in response. "Me too, and we even have a ticket to the Legends Festival!"

The Legends Festival was an esteemed event, in which a tournament for the best of the best. Dante and Y/n themselves were legends, the newest to be called some. Dante defeated INFERNO, an organization that threatened the future of Beyblade, and Y/n helped. Ish.

"I still don't get why I was invited..." She sweatdropped. " I mean, I did battle INFERNO with you, but I didn't exactly do much."

"Hey! You did a lot!"

"A lot less than Delta, that is. And Arman."

Dante pouted. "Stop telling yourself you don't belong here! You do!"


"H-Hey, who are you most excited to see when we get there?" Dante tried to change the subject.

"Hmm...probably Valt..." Y/n smiled. To be honest, Y/n liked Valt to the point of having a crush on him, even though she knew it was a low chance that he liked her back.

"It's probably because you like him, right...?" Dante frowned.

"U-uh, no-!"


The car skidded to a stop, and Dante and Y/n exited. "Wow, look at that building! Is that our training center?"

The tall WBBA building stood tall above all others, surrounded by a beautiful garden. "Amazing..." Dante murmured.

"Hey! Dante! Y/n!"

"Valt!" Dante speeded over to meet him, Y/n following a bit behind.

"Hey guys!" Valt waved. Y/n caught up to Dante, carrying both of their backpacks. "Dante!"

"Oh. Oops," Dante scratched his cheek.

"Here," Valt took both backpacks. "I'll take them for now. We'll drop them off at your rooms later."

Y/n nodded, her cheeks lightly dusted with pink. Dante shrieked. "I WANT TO BATTLE ALREADY!"

"Oh! Right!" Valt clapped his hands together. "I found two talented bladers earlier. Their names are Hikaru Asahi and Hyuga Asahi."

"Really? Then where are they?!"

"Uhm, they go to a place called the Bombers."


And there he went, going off without a trace.

"-Dante! That's the wrong way-!" Valt called with no avail.

"Uh, it's ok. Dante always gets where he wants to go by the end of the day."

"Alright then...I should go put these backpacks away."

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