Chapter 3

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"Quinn get up!" I yell again

"No, go away. And stop yelling my head is killing me B," she says throwing a pillow on top of her head.

"Fine. I'm going to get coffee," I say

"Ooh, can you get me some?" she asks sitting up quickly. She grimaces in pain and lays back down

"No," I say laughing

"What? Come on B," she says

"Maybe," I say smirking

"Britt..." she sighs

"Fine, I'll get you some. But it probably won't be hot when I get back, I was planning on taking a walk." I joke

"Fine, don't get me coffee," she says

"Ok, I won't," I say

"But get me like a bagel or something, please?" she asks

"Fine," I sigh

"Great," she says rolling back into sleep. I roll my eyes, and I walk to the door. I put on some sneakers, and a leather jacket and I leave the house. I walk to the Lima Bean because I used to go there all the time. I order my latte, and I order a bagel for Quinn. I'm off to the side waiting for my stuff when I hear a familiar voice start to order. I watch as she walks off to the side, and then she sees me.

"Hi," I wave awkwardly. I'm a lot more nervous than I was yesterday. I probably only talked to her yesterday because I had some alcohol in me.

"Hi Brittany," she says with a small smile

"How was your night?" I ask

"Pretty good," she says nodding

"That's good," I say

A woman walks up to me, and she taps on my shoulder. I look down and I see Emily, from the bar. I see Santana giving us a quizzical look.

"Emily?" I ask

"Hey hot stuff," she says smirking

"Don't you have a husband?" I ask

"No. That was my best friend Justin. And he's gay, so no we're not gonna ever be together," she says

"Oh," I say 

"Who's this?" she asks looking at Santana

"A friend of mines," I say

"Oh. So do you want to maybe come over later tonight?" Emily asks

"I can't," I say

"Awww, why not?" she asks

"Because I barely know you," I say

She finally walks away and I look at Santana. She's looking down, and not meeting my gaze.

"So, I gotta get back home to Quinn before she destroys the new house. But how about we hang out sometime?" I say

"Uh, sure. I would invite you to dinner or something, but that'd probably be awkward," she says

"Why?" I aks

"Well, because I-I have a new girlfriend..." she says

"Santana, we're not together anymore. We can be friends, and I can be in full support of your new relationship," I say 

"Ok, yeah," she says nodding, "So how about dinner tonight at my apartment?" 

"Sure. Also gives me a chance to meet this new girlfriend," I say

"Ok, but uh I don't think you'll meet her today, I still think it might be a little awkward," she says looking down

"Santana are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, it's just... seeing you after all these years," 

"Is it a bad thing?" I ask

She smiles at me and shakes her head no. 

"No Britt it's a good thing. I hope we can be friends again," she says

"Yeah," I say smiling. I go to the counter to get my coffee and Quinn's bagel once they call me. I wave to Santana one last time before leaving the shop. I wasn't actually planning on going for a walk I was just joking with Quinn, so I just walk home. I get into the house and Quinn is sitting on the couch. 

"Here's your bagel Q," I say handing it to her

"Ooh thanks," she says taking it from me

"So, uh Q, a little later I'm going over for dinner at a friends house," I say scratching at the back of my head

"Oh, is it one of the old glee clubbers, who is it?" she asks

"Uh well yeah technically it is, it's S-Santana," I say 

"What!" she practically shouts

"Y-yeah, but I promise it's just as friends. Plus she has a new girlfriend," I say

"Are you going to meet this new girlfriend?" she asks

"No. I mean I wanted to, but Santana thinks it'll be too awkward" I say

"Well, yeah it would be really awkward B," she says

"So you're ok with me going?" I ask

"I mean, I can't really stop you, plus I know you'd do it anyway. And Santana used to be one of my best friends before she divorced you. But if you're willing to forgive her, I guess I could try too," she says

"Ok," I say nodding

"Ok so you know since I'm super hungover, I think I should be excused from unpacking today," she says smirking

"Haha, no Q," I say

"Ok fine, after I finish this awesome bagel, we can start, I guess," she says

"Ok, cool," I say


"Ok Britt, your hair is fine, she told you to get there by 7 so you'll be late if you keep worrying about it, just go," Quinn says 

"A-are you sure it looks fine?" I ask. I don't know why I'm so nervous when we're just trying to be friends again

"Yes B, now go"

"Ok ok fine. Bye Q" I wave 

"Bye Britt," she says, waving back, "And remember she has a girlfriend so don't-"

"Ok I'm ignoring you now, bye," I say smiling and walking out of the door

I'm glad I put on a leather jacket with my white shirt and blue jeans because it's a little windy today. I start the walk to her new apartment because it turns out, she lives really close to me and Quinn. I see so many unchanged buildings on the way there, and it brings back so many memories. Happy memories. When I finally get to the building Santana told me she lived in, I take a deep breath. 

Well, here goes nothing. I walk into the lobby. 

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