Chapter 1

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"Brittany it's every time with this!" she yells, scowling at me with her arms crossed

"Same for you! And you've been different! You've been different for months! You've been cold and rude and I don't know where any of this is coming from!" I yell back

"No don't pin this on me," she huffs

"No, I will. It's like your job is more important than me! Everything is more important than me! And then you come home and go right to sleep. We don't talk like we used to, go on dates like we used to, nothings the same anymore! It hasn't been for months!" I yell letting out all my frustration.

"Ugh, I don't want to talk about this anymore. I'm going to bed," she says with her jaw set, rolling her eyes

"Well, I'll take the couch," I say watching her walk away without an answer. I go into the closet and pick up a blanket and pillow. I set the couch up for me to sleep and I lay down staring at the ceiling. I know I won't sleep tonight. I rarely ever sleep when we fight. I can tell she isn't sleeping either. She never sleeps when she's frustrated. And lately, she's always frustrated, so I don't know how she has the energy to go out all the time. I turn over and over, trying to get comfortable, but nothing works. My mind keeps going to her. Her tan skin. Her brown curls. Her contagious smile. Her intimidating scowl. Her Lima Heights attitude. Santana has always been my soulmate, but lately, she's been different. I sigh knowing I won't sleep if I keep thinking of her, and I shut my eyes tight. Tears make their way out, and I let them fall freely. Never let them see you cry. But if I cried in front of her, would she even notice? 

                                                               + + +

I sit up, slowly and I sigh. I only slept for about an hour, and my back is killing me. Santana walks out of the room in a long pink shirt, the pink shirt I gave her, and she also looks like she hasn't slept. Her eyes are apologetic, and it looks like she hesitates to make her way over to me. 

"B, can we talk?" she asks 

"Yeah, sure," I say patting to the couch for her to sit down. She stays standing though. 

"About yesterday," we both start at the same time. I crack a small smile, and she smiles too. It doesn't reach her eyes. 

"You first," she says

"Santana I'm sorry I was late yesterday. I had to work, we had a lot of new clients. I really am sorry. But I was also saying you don't really take time to hang out with me anymore. We're married San. We've been married for 4 years, but a few months ago you've started acting differently. " I say slowly

She sighs and looks down. 

"B...B, can I say something?" she asks 

"Yeah, ok," I say looking into her eyes

"B, I-I think I want a-a divorce," she says slowly

"What?" I ask, not sure if I heard her correctly 

"I said, I want a divorce," she says a bit louder, still not able to look me in my eyes

"What the hell Santana!?!" I yell, tears flowing down my face. She begins crying and lets out a sigh

"B, this isn't working. It hasn't been for a while," she says

"We can fix this San. H-have you been cheating?" I ask slowly

"No! No Britt I would never cheat on you," she says, "but I don't think we're both getting what we need from this relationship anymore," 

"But San..." I start 

"Please Britt," she says looking away 

She tries to pull me in for a hug, but I pull away.

"How could you?" I ask, before walking away and locking myself in the bathroom. 


I get from the hard guest room bed, and I get ready. Today is the day we go sign the divorce papers. Today it all ends. I walk out of the house, seeing that Santana already left, and I make my way to the court. It's a few blocks away so I just walk. When I get there, her lawyer is there, and mines is waiting for me. They drone on about splitting assets, which me and Santana already agreed on, and then they have us sign. I sign quickly so that I don't end up crying, and then the divorce is final. Instead of going home, I head to my job. I have the house, and Santana has our small rental apartment. Since we share a bank account, we split it in half. I try to focus on the presentation I'm supposed to work on, but I just can't. I'm supposed to be interviewing people to find new employees but I just can't. Santana and I just got divorced. We've been together for 4 years, and in the process of divorce for 1 year. My boss, Robert, notices I'm not in the right headspace, and he sends me home. I walk home slowly, and when I get there I see Santana, and all of her things are gone. She probably already moved into the apartment. I sigh and trudge over to the couch. I haven't talked to my family or friends in a year. I haven't talked to them since Santana asked for the divorce. My parents keep calling me but I decline. My sister, Quinn, keeps calling and texting me but I don't answer. They don't know about the divorce, but I know I should tell them eventually. I pick up the phone with shaky hands, and I click on a contact.

"B?" she says with a  worried tone

"Quinn I have so much to tell you..." I say, finally breaking down and crying. 

(A/N: So.....don't hate me but Brittana is clearly not okay right now, but since this is a Brittana story of...we'll see what happens. LMK how you guys liked this chapter) 

Try Again: A Brittana StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin