Chapter 10

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Brittany's POV

I wince at Quinn shouting, and I see Santana do the same. It's surprising that she hasn't really reacted yet, but she's probably still confused. Hell, I'm still confused!

"Yeah, she also has to pay for the damages and all of that," I say before taking a sip if my water.

Santana is quiet for a few more seconds before she begins pulling Quinn and I outside. She practically drags us to her building, and then gets into her car. She unlocks the door for us to get in and she immediately starts driving.

"Uh- where are we going?" Quinn asks. I'm more focused on how angry Santana looks. Santana doesn't answer, she just continues driving. We finally pull up to a small precinct and Santana steps out of the car. Quinn and I hurry after her.

Santana starts talking to the man at the desk so that she can see Dani. I zone out for a bit until I hear yelling.

"-JUST LET ME FUCKING SEE HER 'AFORES I ENDS YOU" I see Quinn trying not to laugh and the guard looks scared for his life. He finally caves and leads us to Dani's small cell

"Santana!" I see Dani perk up

"Why the hell would you trash the damn studio?" Santana growls, with a stone cold glare plastered on her face

"Uh- why do you care?"

"Why do I care?!? Do you even hear yourself right now?"

"Of course I do, I'm flawle-"

"Dani we're done! I'm tired of dealing with your shit! I don't know what the hell happened to you, but you've changed and I'm fucking over it" My jaw drops because I definitely wasn't expecting that! Dani stands up and moves closer to the bars.


"You heard me" Santana growls

"You know what? Fuck you." I don't like violence, but if Dani wasn't behind bars right now, I'd probably punch her. I glare at her, but before I can defend Santana, Dani begins talking again.

"You know, I don't even need you. There's plenty of other people who can replace you so quick. Plenty of girls from your label would gladly take me," she smirks

"What?" Santana's voice is a lot quieter now. Dangerously quiet.

"Yup. I've been with a few of them before." She smirks again. Santana just nods slowly

"While we were together?" Dani nods and Santana is quiet for a while. I look at Quinn and she looks just as shocked  as I feel. She looks at me and mouths 'what the hell'. Santana just nods again.

"Goodbye Dani," she starts walking and Quinn and I walk to catch up with her. She's silent as we get into the car, and I want to comfort her in some way. But I don't know how. When Santana gets like this, she normally wants to be left alone, but that's not really an option right now. I get in the passenger's seat and I look at her.

"Are you okay? I know you hate that question, and you think that the answer is obvious most of the time, but-" I start

"Yeah. I'm fine," She cuts me off with a cold voice. I don't think she meant to, so she attempts a small apologetic smile. She starts driving, and I look out the window. Tonight was a disaster, and my head is still spinning. I look back and I see that Quinn looks just as lost. The drive back to our house is completely silent, and Quinn is clearly uncomfortable. Once we finally get to the house, Quinn finally speaks. 

"San, you can stay with us for the night if you want? I don't think you want to stay in your apartment right now..." Santana thinks about it for a while. After about a minute, she sighs

"Alright," she says reluctantly. We all walk into the house, and Quinn falls asleep within minutes. Santana is standing around in the living room awkwardly, and then after a few seconds she sits down on the couch. 

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Uh- I was gonna sleep-?" she looks so confused, and I laugh. 

"There's a guest room you can sleep in, you don't have to sleep on the couch," I say, still laughing 

"No it's ok I can-" I pull her upstairs with me, not letting her finish that sentence. I show her the guest room. 

"You're a guest, I'm not letting you sleep on the couch," She smiles at me, and mumbles a small thank you. I smile, and then I walk over to my own room. I try to get comfortable, and ready to sleep but I cant stop thinking about everything that happened with Dani. I don't know her that well, but she doesn't seem like a great person, at all. It really makes me wonder why Santana chose to date her at all. 

After an hour of staring at the ceiling, I still can't sleep. I sigh and get out of bed. I start heading downstairs, when I start hearing weird noises coming from the guest room. I step closer to the door quietly, and I try listening in. It sounds like crying, but I can't really be sure. The sound is too muffled. I knock on the door lightly. 

"Santana?" I hear the noise stop briefly and then she speaks. 

"Yeah?" her voice cracks, and I pout

"Can I come in?" I ask softly. I hear her hum in response, and I open the door slightly. I walk in and go over to the bed. 

"Are you okay?" I ask. My heart breaks at her tears. She shrugs. 

"I-I don't know B. Dani was cheating the whole time. I figured she was last year, but she denied it. She made all of these lies, and it just makes me wonder...what else she could've lied about. I don't even care that we're broken up. I don't even think I care that she cheated. It's just...I spent years with her, and for what?" 

"San, I really wish this never happened, you know I hate seeing you sad..." I smile, and she also cracks a small smile. I don't stop smiling until she breaks into a full on grin. 

"Look, I don't know much about Dani, but from what I've seen, she doesn't deserve you. You deserve someone who listens to you, and cares about how you feel. Someone who really loves you" I say. She looks down at her fingers, and then back up at me with a tiny smile. 

Time seems frozen as she looks into my eyes, and we just stare at each other for a while, in a comfortable silence. I'm the first to break the eye contact though. She looks down again, and I can practically hear her thoughts. I sigh. 

"Are you feeling any better?" 

"Yeah...thanks B," she looks up again 

"No problem," I wink. I pull her into a quick hug, and then I stand up. "You try and get some sleep, ok?" 

She nods, and I wave, while walking out again. I close the door, and I stand in the hallway for a while. No matter what I've thought in the past, I can't fall for her again. I just cant. I go back to my room, with new thoughts on my mind, and this time I'm able to fall asleep. 

Try Again: A Brittana StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora