Chapter 9

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Santana's POV

I sigh as I listen to Dani ranting again. It's always the same thing, and after a while it starts to become annoying. 

"How am I supposed to feel knowing you could go back to her at anytime?" she asks with a glare 

"Dani I- I'm not going back to Brittany, I already told you. I'm with you now, I'm not going back to her" 

"You don't understand what it feels like do you? Once you tell Brittany why you guys really got divorced, there's nothing stopping you from being together. How do you think that makes me feel?" 

"Dani it doesn't matter how you feel about this! You know how hard everything was when I got divorced from B, and you know why I did. I trusted you and told you everything. Do you really think I'm just gonna go back to her? I have no reason to just leave you, so can you please stop?" 

She gets closer to me, still glaring, and then she looks me directly in the eyes. I stand my guard though, because I don't back down, especially not to her. 

"I don't know how you can't tell she's still in love with you. But I'm not letting her take you from me," her voice is quiet, and before I can respond, she walks out, slamming the door. I roll my eyes, and scoff. Her storming out after everything is starting to lose it's effect. 

I think back on everything she said, and I'm pretty sure she's misreading the situation. There's no way Britt still loves me, I broke her heart. Even if I didn't mean to, I still did. She'd never get back with me, and all I want is for her to be happy. I honestly think us being friends again is the best way to address the situation. I put on some shoes, and my jacket, and then I leave the apartment. I can't be here. 

I walk instead of driving, because if I remember correctly, the house isn't that far away. I walk up to it, and I know on the door. I hear shuffling behind the door, and then it opens. 

"Santana?" she looks like she just woke up 

"Hey Quinn. Can I come in?" 

"Uh, sure. Britt's not home though, if that's why you're here," 

"No, I wanted to talk to you," 

She nods, a bit skeptical, and then she steps back, allowing me to walk in. I follow her into the living room, and she gestures for me to sit down. 

"So, why exactly are you here?" 

"Its about Britt, and everything that happened and I- I just needed to talk to someone," 

She nods, and stays quiet so that I can speak. 

"Do you think Britt still loves me? Because, I don't want to make things worse. I don't want her to fall for me when it's impossible for us to be together again," 

"San, of course she still loves you. I'm not fully sure if she's still in love with you, but she definitely still loves you. But I'm sure she know that you guys cant be together. If it was up to me, none of this would've happened in the first place." 

"Yeah, I- this is all just so messy" 

"Are you gonna tell B what you told me?" 

"I don't know..." I look down

"San, she deserves to know" 

"I know she does, but, what if then, things are-" 

I'm cut off by the sound of the door opening. Britt walks in and that's when she sees me. 

"Santana? What are you doing here?" 

"I was just talking to Quinn" I nod nervously 

She nods slowly, as if she's trying to figure out why I'd want to talk to Quinn.

"Well, it's good seeing you" she smiled at me, and then skipped up the stairs. I smile at how effortlessly adorable she is. I look back at Quinn and she's looking at me with a knowing smile.

"I have to ask you something... are you happy with Dani?"

"Uh- yeah, of course I am," The words aren't even halfway convincing, and I know she can tell

"San I've known you for years. You think I don't know when you're lying?"

"I- well I don't know. I definitely was happy before but... it's just complicated now" I sigh

"Ok well I'll rephrase the question. Do you love her?"

"Y-yeah of course I do. But...she's always yelling, or constantly getting jealous. She tried controlling who I was friends with before and she thinks I'll get back with Britt. She's an amazing person. Or, she was an amazing person. I don't know what happened over the years."

"So why do you put up with it? Why don't you just leave her?" Quinn seems genuinely confused and I guess it makes sense. She knows I dont stay with people I'm not happy with

"Because it's like...karma in a way. I broke Britt's heart, and this is probably what I deserve."

"Look, Britt is my sister," she sighs "but you explained what happened to me. Yeah, you made a big mistake when you didn't tell her what happened, but... surprisingly, it isn't your fault." I roll my eyes at her last sentence and then I smile

"You really think so?"

She nods, and hesitantly pulls me into a hug.

"I've missed you Q"

"Yeah, yeah, I've missed you too I guess..." I laugh and pull away from her

Britt comes downstairs again and she smiles at us. She goes into the kitchen, gets water, and comes towards us in the living room. She looks semi-stressed, which is concerning because she's almost never stressed.

"What's wrong?" Quinn and I both ask at the same time

She sighs and looks at me.

"It's Dani,"

"What about her?"

"She got drunk and trashed the dance studio. Mike called me, she was arrested, but obviously not for long. He said they'll probably make her stay overnight"

"She did WHAT?"

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