"Well, we are not really friends. I don't like you and I know you don't like me either. Also we wouldn't have ever talked if we weren't forced to work together. So I did not deem it right that day to tell you if I am okay or not." I said and a heavy silence falls upon us.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have opened the window. It is my fault. You have a park next to your house and it is raining crazy, of course that cat wanted a shelter." He whispered.

"It's not your fault." I assured and after that we both just lay quietly and eventually drift off to sleep.


I am walking and oh the floor is now a giant piano. Coooool. Suddenly I am in my class but what is Taylor swift doing here.

"Hii Nyla how are you?" Taylor asks me.

I am talking to her when a clown enters the class and shouts, " Come on, get on the bus we are going on a trip." Everyone screams and we board the bus.

The bus takes us to a concert. Taylor grabs my hand and pulls me, " Hurry!! The crowd is waiting for us."

Dressed in stone stud dresses Taylor and I walk towards the stage, microphones in our hand-

Beep. Beep.

Everything turns black and I suddenly open my eyes. Dang it! It was a dream.

Beep. Beep.

I stretched to slap the alarm shut when I felt a heavy weight on my waist. I turn around to find a sleeping Jake.

If I was one of those over dramatic girl I would have pushed him off the bed or screamed or blushed.

Beep. Beep.

Jake groaned and pulled the pillow over his head. I turn off the alarm then pat Jake's cheek, " Rise and shine mother clucker." He slapped my hand turning his face the other side.

"Fine be a grumpy bitch." I huffed. He turned his face back around and whined, "Can you not swear in the morning." His eyes squinting because he hasn't yet adjusted to the morning light.

"Aww princess doesn't like swearing." I cooed and he scowled.

"Piss off." He grumbled and buried his head in the pillow yet again.

"Oh blimey did I angered your majesty?" I said in an obnoxious British accent.

"Shut it." He said glaring at me now fully awake.

"Bloody hell you are in a mood mate. Fancy a cuppa tea?" I continued.

"I should have never told you I am British. Now you are pulling my leg." He said closing his eyes.

"That is bonkers now innit?" I said while trying to hold back my laugh.

"That's offensive you know." He said getting out of bed.

"Do you know why british people drop all the t's when they speak?" I asked and he gave me a look.

"Because you people drank all the tea. Hahaha. Get it 't' and tea." I wheezed and bust out laughing. After few seconds of seeing me rolling on the bed laughing my ass off Mr Jerkface finally let out a little chuckle.

"You done yet?" He huffed. I have been laughing for more than a minute now.

"Ye- ahahahaha" I couldn't stop I know it's not even that funny but sometimes when I start laughing it is hard for me to calm down.

"Well you continue your laughing session I will be going. Its already 6:50." He said getting up to leave.

"Holy fucking shit I wanted to eat breakfast today." I shouted jumping out of bed and rushing to the bathroom.

Supermarket is a Cupid [On Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now