Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven- Hanging Out

It has been two weeks since me and Cole's first date and Colby is still the sweetest guy that I have ever met. He sits with me every day at school and asks me how my day has been so far, never lets his friends cut me off or embarrass me, he stands up for me and he messages me a good morning every morning and a good night, every night before I fall asleep.

Not even my last boyfriend did all this stuff for me. He makes me feel so happy. Even when we aren't together, I am happy. He has improved how I see myself and how I see everyone else. He has given me confidence and brought out a self I didn't even know I had. I know people say, never rely on anyone for your own happiness and I don't. he knows that and he doesn't rely on me for his happiness. Which is why I think that we are so good together.

I thought that it would be awkward at school, considering he is my best friend, and the fact that we are not dating and that we have kissed, but he has ensured that it isn't. He has reassured me that it is okay. He hasn't made it weird. It's like it was when we were kids, except we both have feelings for each other. Since I have anxiety, I always struggle with coping in awkward situations and Colby is always there to comfort me. I think that if he doesn't ask me to be his girlfriend soon, I'll ask him. I mean we are living in the future where girls can do anything a guy could do.

Colby and I have hung out four times since our first date and although only one was a date, I still really enjoyed just hanging around with him, relaxing, while babysitting Claire. I like hanging out with him, even if we aren't doing anything exciting. The Winfield's are very inviting, and we now watch a movie every Sunday night as a group. I enjoy spending time at the Winfield's house, with all the Winfield's, even Archer, even though he is still being rude, hurtful, and creepy.

I could be sitting on the couch watching a movie with him and his family or studying or even watching Claire and he would sit beside me a just watch me, staring at me as if he wants to say something to me. But when I look at him and confront him, he looks away and ignores me, or says "I wasn't looking at you Marley." Even if I demand that he tell me what's going on. He never does. It makes me uncomfortable, but I don't want to mention it to anyone

After school that afternoon, Colby, and Archer both have sports and Amanda must work and Mr Winfield is on a business trip, so I have to babysit little Claire. I like the job and it is fine, but that baby is exhausting. She is starting to pull herself up in preparation to start walking which means she is beginning to pull things off shelves, counters, and tables. Once she even started digging in the rubbish bin. It is tricky because I haven't got enough eyes to keep an eye on her at all times and she often manages to crawl away or do something silly before I even notice she is gone. I feel like the worse babysitter in the world.

My anxiety hasn't been too bad at the moment as at the moment I don't have any homework to do since I have handed in all of my assignments including the geography presentation.

Regarding the geography assignment, we passed! Sure, I did majority of the work but that is okay. Archer still helped a little bit. He helped find some information and he helped edit. Plus, he helped present. If I didn't have any of his help, I don't think that we would of gotten the mark that we did. We got a B minus.

On Friday after school, Colby and I have another date. He is picking me up after school and we are driving to the beach, to watch the sunset and we are going to be having fish and chips from the best takeaway store in the area. This time I am paying. 

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