Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven- New Day, New Dramas

Walking into school the next month, It was a Friday and I have my head down and my hair covering my face. Its only eight in the morning and its already been a bad day. Walking, and not paying attention, I walk into two people, I stumble back. Looking up I see a boy and a girl. "Oh, I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going."

Helping me up, the girl with glasses like mine says "don't worry. It's okay." Smiling at them the handsome boy grins "Hey, I'm Jaxon and this is my best friend Georgie. Don't worry about walking into us. This one here walks into people on a daily basis." Slapping him on the arm the girl laughs. Smiling I introduce myself; I remember when me and Archie were like that- best friends and when they walk away, my day gets worse.

I walk into a locker.

"Wow, clumsy much?" a voice says from behind me. Turning around I see Archer smirking at me with a girl hanging off his arm. "Yep! That is me! Clumsy Marney. What's up, buttercup?" Giving me a dirty look, the girl drags Archer away while he was just staring at me. Weird.

At lunch I sat beside Colby again and placed my head on the table. "is everything okay Marney?" Looking at him I shake my head, "Ever had one of those days? Where everything goes wrong? That's been my day today." Frowning softly, he picked up my hand. "Sorry Marney, what's happened?" sighing I tell him about how I slept badly last night, slept in, fell out of bed when I woke up and how I walked into a locker. Those are they days that I just love.

"That's not good... are you planning on babysitting Claire this week?" Nodding I sigh, "I love her, I do but I need a break. I have worked nearly every single day this past week. I go to school, go to your house, juggle babysitting and studying and then I have to my house and sleep and start all over again. I'm just exhausted."

Frowning Colby says "I understand. Take tomorrow off. I can ditch football practise today. Have an afternoon off. Before you start, I insist." Smiling big at him I give him a hug and a kiss. Wondering why my heart is beating so fast.


Later that day, I am sitting in geography beside a girl called Annie when the teacher begins to explain the assignment "the new assignment is to choose a country out of this hat and research it, find out the largest river in the country, animals from the country, and any cool fun facts from it. However, it will be in groups of two. Before you ask, I have assigned partners of the opposite gender. Mary and John, Erica and Eric, Martin, and Molly.... Archer and Marney."

Hearing him grumble, I watch as he pulls America out of the hat. "Guess we can work on it this arvo, when you are babysitting Claire." Nodding my head, I say "sure, but I can't do t tomorrow. I am taking the day off work tomorrow. To have a break. Babysitting is exhausting." Sure.


Later that afternoon I am sitting at the Winfield's kitchen table researching facts in America. "Archer! I don't know if you'd think it is useful but the longest river in America is the Missouri River. Not many people know that!" Nodding Archer writes it down. "Oh, and Washington, D.C was not always the capital. Apparently, it used to be New York, but it changed in 1790. Yet New York is the most populated city in America." Archer than smiles, "it is also the third largest continent in the world."

About half an hour later Colby gets home and enters the kitchen. "Hey bro, hey Marney. How was your day today, guys?" Smiling I say "it has been an okay day. We got given an assignment today and I am really enjoying it. Me and Archer are in a group and we are researching America. Archer cuts in! "my day was good as well, thanks." Ignoring him, I ask "how was your day?" Smiling at me he nods to his brother and looks at me and asks me a question.

"Hey, so I was talking to the guys, and they wanted me to ask you if you wanted to hang out with us this weekend. We are planning on going to the movies and they wanted me to ask if you wanted to go? Do you want to?"

"Sure. What movie?" I asked him. "I don't mind."

"Uh, we were thinking that we were thinking of watching the new Marvel movie. Is that okay?"

Nodding I smile. "Sure. That sounds good, I love marvel. When were you thinking of having it?"

"I know its short notice but tomorrow. At 10:30." Smiling I nod. "Sure, I can do that, but I may need a lift. Can you give me one?"

"Sure. I can do that."


The next day, at ten, I am waiting for Colby to turn up. Since its just a group of friends hanging out, I decide on black jeans and a floral top. When he rings the doorbell, he smiles. "Hey, you look nice. Ready to go?" Nodding, I smile. Heading to the car, I see Asher in the front seat. When he sees me, he opens the door and climbs in the back. "Hey, you could have stayed in the front. I don't mind sitting in the back."

Grinning he said "that's okay. I like the back better. I uh was just sitting near the aircon."

When we get to the movies, we wait in line and when we go up to pay, Colby pushes my purse away. "What are you doing? I can pay?"

"nah uh, I am paying. I invited you out. I am paying for you." Sighing I put my purse away. "if you insist. But I'm paying for the snacks."

Ignoring me he pays for the snacks.


In the cinema, he reaches for my hand and holds it. Glancing at it, I look at him and see his eyes are watching me. Looking away he lets go of my hand. Instead he leans over and grabs popcorn out of the box. Suddenly he sighs and wraps his arm around me, pulling me in for a hug. 

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