3.2| Grief and gift

Start from the beginning

Sharleen unlocked her eyes from Devlin when she saw her parents coming to where she was. The pitiful and worried look that her mother was giving her made her want to close herself in a room and sleep herself away from reality. Her father though looked at her with an encouraging smile that she replied with nodding.

"Hey baby." Her mother started. "We as your parents really feel your pain." Not really, you don't. "We will be here with you every step. Anything that we might help, don't hesitate to ask. Family sticks together, right?" Her mum asks slowly.

Sharleen could only nod her head.

"My daughter," Her father cleared his throat. "God is always watching and everything he does is for a reason. Maybe Kevin was too good for this sinful world that God wanted him on the other side or maybe God wanted to avoid a worse scenario in future. All in all have faith in the Lord my girl and he will give you the comfort that not even any of us can." Nelson concluded his speech.

Sharleen just nodded.

The couple hugged their daughter. Tears streaming freely from mother's eyes to her daughter's back. The father just sighed and hugged his daughter tighter while the daughter awkwardly stood there, in the embrace of her parents while her eyes glued to the freshly filled grave.

"Come on, lets take you home." Nicole, who was silent near her friend said once the parents have had a moment with their daughter. Sharleen nodded once again and allowed her friend to lead her home.

In her mind though Sharleen knew her home would never be the same again. In fact the place would not be a home anymore but a house. Kevin was her home, and now her home was six feet under.

The walk home was quiet. The harsh and cold wind greeted Sharleen's exposed skin, not that she complained. She even hoped that the cold could numb her feelings even even it was for seconds but sadly the feeling were like tattoos on her heart and not on her skin.

They reached home after some thirty minutes. Opening the door, Sharleen was surprised to see people feasting. Food and beverages filled the tables around the house like crazy. People were talking and laughing with each other with food in their mouths like they were here for a reunion party and not a funeral!

But Sharleen could do nothing. It was tradition. Feasting after a funeral service was a norm in their community. Never had a practice disgust her as this one did right now!

Sharleen stormed away from the place, straight to hers and her husband's bedroom, well her bedroom now. Nicole on her toes careful that nothing should happen to her best friend. The sweet aroma of different kinds of food terrorised their noses but instead of wanting to inhale more, Sharleen felt like puking her guts out with every inhale.

Reaching her room, Sharleen dived in the bed and curled herself on her husbands side of the bed. The sheets still smelled like him, hell, the entire room did.

Sharleen remembered the first days into their marriage how Kevin was patient with her. For a month after the wedding Kevin had converted a sofa in the living room to his personal bed, letting her have the whole bedroom to herself.

She remembered how he tried his best to woo her. Every morning he would prepare her breakfast in bed and every night he would join her with popcorns to watch her favourite show. He would always complement on how beautiful she was even if it was when she had just woken up and had her pyjamas on!

Needless to say, as days passed, she started warming up to him. She even found herself anticipating for his return every time he went to work. She found herself blushing at his complements and even enjoying the meals he cooked more than her own!

Even though her heart longed for Devlin sometimes, she decided to give Kevin a chance and it was a decision she would never regret. In the two years she got a taste of how a perfect gentleman treats his woman. Kevin surely knew his way to a woman's heart. When she was around him she was either laughing at his lame jokes, blushing at his sexual complements or smiling at his gentle treatment as though she was glass that would break any moment.

"Sharleen, would you mind anything to eat? I am starving!" Nicole, who was silent for some minutes besides her friend asked. Nicole was not hungry though, she was just worried that her friend had not taken any food or drink since the sun was up.

Sharleen just shakes her head no.

"Fine, what about fruits, ha? You love apples! I am going to bring apples. You just wait here a minute." Nicole said and stormed off before her friend could shake her head again.

Sharleen just sighed. She was not hungry but tired. Her friend could not understand that. Nicole was a good friend though, she was her comfort whenever the pain was too much and also her only link to reality when all this felt like a dream.

"Am back. Here are the apples. Take this one." Nicole shoved one of the apples from the plate she came with to Sharleen's right hand.

Sharleen looked at her friend with a scowl but decided to have a taste of the yummy looking apple. She took a bite, a bigger bite, and crushed the content with her teeth while her taste buds savoured the sweet taste.

Like it was too good to be true, the once sweet taste changed from its sweet like honey to bitter like acid, forcing Sharleen to spit off the content on the floor. Nicole was quickly by her side offering comforting words.

That was not all though. Nicole felt like the contents in her stomach wanted out, and the only way was through the mouth. She quickly rushed to the bathroom, her friend not leaving her side, and started puking all over the sink.

Puking when there is no food in the stomach is a really painful process and Sharleen experienced it first hand. She felt as if her intestines too wanted to be puked.

In that painful process, Sharleen was in thoughts. Her body had been behaving differently for the last few days. Her constant loss of appetite, her mood less nature, puking all over... It all adds up to one thing.

She might be pregnant.

She puked again.


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