“Your head,” Dobry answered, smiling at me.

I didn’t return it. “My head?” I repeated, still confused.

                This time, it was Reynolds that responded.

                “Yes, your head. You see, I asked our friend Dobry to use his Shaman magick on you,” he said.

                “What the hell are you talking about?” I snapped, tired of their cryptic bullshit.

                “That dream you just had?” Dobry replied cheerfully. “That was my doing. Or at least, I created the setting and put in the sound effects, then just sat back and watched as your brain took over. Reynolds hoped that you would dream up the place you’re due to meet Azula. And guess what?” He paused, as if he expected me to guess. When I didn’t, he just shrugged and continued in a secretive tone. “He was right,” he whispered.

                Dread clawed at my throat. Panic ate at my insides. Denial blocked my thoughts.  

Reynolds grinned. “That’s right Amias. You told us where to find Azula.” I shook my head frantically as the end of my dream suddenly made sense.

                “No! Y-you’re lying!” I shouted. I couldn’t have done that to her. I promised her. I promised...

Reynolds laughed, clearing enjoying himself. “Oh, but I’m not. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a female to catch.”

                He turned to leave, chuckling under his breath.

                “No! Damn it, Reynolds, get back here!” I yelled, jumping up and running after him... smacking right into the barrier.

                I screamed in agony and frustration, falling to my knees. Reynolds laughter mocked me as the fiery torture seized my body and turned it to mush. It was an effort just to blink.

                “You should really stop running into that thing,” Dobry told me, crouching down next to me with pity in his eyes. “The pain will get worse every time you do.”

                “It’s your fault that I’m in this damn circle in the first place!” I accused him, attempting to stop my body from trembling.

                “Dobry, any time today would be good!” Reynolds snapped. We both looked over at him, where he was impatiently tapping his foot as he stood in front of the fire wall, unable to leave.

Dobry frowned. “I don’t know what you’re-“

                “Just move the damn wall so I can get out,” Reynolds muttered.

                “Oh!” Dobry exclaimed, smacking his forehead. “I knew that. Yeah. Totally. Um-“

                “Now Dobry!

                “Yes, yes, of course!”

                Dobry jumped up from his crouch, wriggling his fingers. Then he just moved his arms out in that grand, sweeping gesture and watched in approval as the flames parted. The quiet murmurings of the pack grew louder, buzzing around in my head like an insect.

                “Brothers!” Reynolds called, stepping out of the cave. Their chattering immediately ceased, an expectant silence falling over the clearing. “Tonight, under the waning gibbous...we hunt!” he cried, raising his arms in the air.  A chorus of enthusiastic yells met his statement.

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