Kevin Wu

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Classes wasn't done yet. Yin Shee thinks that the time stopped for no purpose. She just can't enjoy the class knowing that her new seatmate is Kris. . .

Yin Shee was too concentrated to her own mind that she didn't notice Kris staring at her. Smiling. . . Her face turned a little and Kris turned back to the board nervous yet smiling.

Yin Shee's POV

His looking at me. No! He looked at me. I wish the time would be faster so that we can go home early -w-


Oh no! Did I just--No I didnt-- Yes I did! I turn to Kris and he was practically smirking. Before I could utter a word. He spoke. "Using your power to ditch school? That's bad" He exclaimed then laugh carefree.

The teacher told us to go home immediately, since its already night. The teacher's aura was in fear. On how she looks at the moon in fear.

The sense of fear in the dark. I walked out of the classroom and walked the hallways. "Suspicious isnt she?" I looked at Kris.

He stared at the things I saw. His eyes was shaping the crescent moon ang turned to the eye of a wolf. I held his arm.

I dont know why, but I felt as if we were gonna be in trouble. We walked the corridor and Im still holding his arm. No one was around. Thats weird! Just a few moments ago we were still present in class.

Silence field the air when-- I heard it!

I looked at Kris and his starting to prepare for battle, in human form. Other than worried, Fear was starting to come around me. "Oh~ Yin Shee!"

"Dont turn around!" Kris warns-- too late! I turned around and I saw fog everywhere. I turned back to Kris and he wasnt there anymore.

"Kris?" I utter. "Oh~ Yin Shee!" I heard it again. The sound of footsteps everywhere. Im starting to have fear than getting my thoughts back together. "Whos there?" I said turning back and front.

"Redeem your fear and that shall be me!" The voice stated. Im sure its a voice of a boy. I didnt want to open my mouth but I did!

Until. . .

I collapsed on the ground with eyes bright open. I saw Kris standing at me with a worried face. "Dont tell your fear! Wake up Yin Shee" He said

His face was starting to get blurry and his voice was starting to fade but I kept in mind what he said. "Wake Up"


I opened my eyes to the sound of an alarm. I saw that I was in my bedroom. Goosebumps appeared when I heart it again..

"Remember! Redeem your fear and that shall be me!"

I didnt bother standing up. My legs were stiff the moment I heard the voice. Why is he here is what I wanted to ask.

"Why are you here?" I turned to look at him and he stood up wearing that same face of worry.

"Gwaenchanha?" He asks. "Im fine. Really, I am!" I smiled. "Kevin Wu.." I stated. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah! Im Kevin Wu!" He said and frowned abit at the Kevin part. "Why Kevin?" I ask. "Thats my canadian name!" He said and put his palm at the top of my head.

"So, what happened?" I ask him, I remember everything, but what I dont get is that why I was sleeping here.

"We encountered a warlock type of vampire. Vampires who can dis- your power for a whole hour. This types of vampire can activate your biggest fear and make you follow them usig that fear!" He explained.

"Vampire? Now theres even a warlock in this world?" I exaggerated. "Warlocks are just myths. Its just a statement to describe that kind of vampire" He smiled.

I dont even get why wolves existed! And I am myself! "Yin Shee!" I look at Kris whose holding his head with a shocked face. "What?"

"I-I.." His eyes looked at mine clearly with a more widened eye. "You what?" I was curious. "I heard your thoughts.." He turned and look at the door and stood.

"So?" I ask clearly thinking everything as pointless. So what? "Your the princess.. Other class wolves cant read your mind!" He panicked. "Oh.. Why would you read my mind?"

"I didnt! It just went through my head!" He said, worriedly looking at me. "We need help" I heard a phone ringing. Kris took his phone from his pocket and answered it.

"Kris!" I heard Krystal's voice. Kris hushed not to speak. I zipped my mouth and listened. "Yeah? Krystal!" He answered.

"Where part in the globe are you? About Yin Shee.." Krystals voice went blank. "Im in China, Krys.. What about Yin Shee?" So they didnt know I was with Kris?

"She came back in Canada two months ago! And I called you because.." She went blank again. Struggling was heard the other line. "Did you hear Yin Shee's voice?" That Was now Ji Eun speaking.

"Ji Eun, hi! I heard it too." Kris spoke to them. "She's in trouble!" I almost spoke but stop. I turned to Kris and he wanted me to speak to them.

"Kris?" They were calling for his name. "This is not Kris anymore!" I said with a deep voice. "Who's this??" Worried was visible in theyre voice. "Yin Shee~" I said cutely. I miss them yet..

"YIN SHEE!!" I heard everyone! The boys were there? I didnt heard him though. "Its been 2months! Why are you in China? With hyung?" I heard Sehun's voice. "Were not in China! Were in Canada! Not important on how we met but, we need to solve this no--"

The door burst open and it puked Onew. He took the phone and closed the call. "You cant solve anything!" Onew smirked! "Onew-ssi!" I protested!

"Im in--" no.. Impossible. "Redeem your fear and that shall be me!" Those words came out from his own mouth. Whats the meaning of this? "Yin Shee watch out!" Kris took my hand and grab me. Escaping through the door! We went pass through his body!

We went inside Kris' car and he drove away. "How could Onew?.." I was completely shock, Tears rolling.

"Yin Shee! Your so gullible! That wasnt Onew okay? That wolf had two choice; Its if he needs to use Onew or make a replica! And he made a replica. Because we did pass in his body!"

My tears stopped and I was taken aback. How could he say such a thing. "How could you! For all the things that happened, now! Im gullible!" I glared at him.

"Just get to your senses! Your the princess for pete's sake, Yin Shee! How could someone read your mind! Dont think too much alright!" He bickered.

"It's just-" he cutted me off. "You left Seoul to forget right??! Then, forget! But, dont be stupid!"

"Fine. . ." I shut my mouth. Just stay the fucking calm Yin Shee. My inner thoughts screamed as I closed my eyes

Okay. . . You dont want to see him. Just calm down!

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